At the Farm to Fork summit hosted today by Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, we’re expecting to hear an announcement on a new annual Food Security Index – to add to the UK Food Security Report that happens every three years. However, nature conservation charities have not been invited to the summit, despite the threat of nature loss and climate change on the future of food production.

UK food security depends on restoring nature

The first priority of any government is the safety and security of its citizens. This issue has come into sharp focus in recent months. The unprecedented wet weather means production of major crops in the UK are down 21.2% this year. The wheat harvest is expected to be down 26.5%. The record-breaking temperatures in the summer of 2018 saw onion yields down 40%, carrot yields down 25%, and potato yields down 20%.

Climate change is no longer an abstract threat confined to a post-apocalyptic future. It is a painful reality that many farmers are grappling with every day.

  • @9point6
    15 months ago

    Because the prime minister is a Tory grasping at the support of climate change deniers.

    The point of the summit is to try and make him look good.