• @[email protected]
    -84 months ago

    ok so technically the definition of art isn’t really a defined thing. The most likely point one could use is “that it isn’t human” and honestly, yeah. But i imagine that’s why “ai art” is the term people use instead.

    Art it art, it doesn’t matter what constitutes it, or how good or bad it is. If it’s art, it’s art. It’s technically just that simple.

    I also wouldn’t classify it as theft, considering that’s pretty similar to how human learning works. You ever look at a genre of art and notice they’re all pretty similar? There’s a reason. Could it break copyright? Probably, does it? No, probably not, should it? Probably.

    it’s funny to me that people are specifically pissing and shitting themselves about AI in particular, and not capitalism, and the fact that society is just ok with pushing it’s working force out of the market if it means making less money. Where were these people when we got rid of our manufacturing sector?

    You hate big capitalism fucking up your life? Me to, let’s go commit arson or something (for legal reasons, this is a joke, it’s hyperbolic, the humor is in the fact that committing a crime would do more for society than the following), instead of bitching about bill gates existing or whatever the fuck people do now.


    I technically didn’t steal this content because I added a “:P” to it. Nobody can really define what plagiarism is so therefore it’s all good!

      • @natarey
        14 months ago

        Just like every piece of AI-generated slop!

          • @natarey
            34 months ago

            I will never understand why Americans insist on simping so hard for billion dollar companies. Is it the lead in the drinking water? Is it the lack of healthcare? Is is the terrible state of their education? Truly baffling.

            • @[email protected]
              4 months ago

              Is this directed at me? 1: Not American 2: My use of AI helps zero corporations in any way as I installed the programs, for free, on my computer and use open source checkpoints, loras, and nodes to run them

              A whole fuckload of the hate towards AI is completely uniformed and based on gut feelings and shit thats just plain wrong. If you hate artists losing their jobs, attack the capitalists, not the commoners ALSO losing their jobs that have found a new tool that has greatly improved their lives

              • @natarey
                4 months ago

                I’m sure. Enjoy your nuggies!

                Edit: Wow, you added so many big words! Did momma forget your sauce again?

                Hey, you’re an expert: do you think the uptick in the number of sticky-fingered midwesterners around here is a sign that Lemmy’s finally reaching a wider, less technical audience?

                • KillingTimeItself
                  14 months ago

                  Hey, you’re an expert: do you think the uptick in the number of sticky-fingered midwesterners around here is a sign that Lemmy’s finally reaching a wider, less technical audience?

                  i think it’s probably recognition bias more than anything.

    • KillingTimeItself
      4 months ago

      did you expect me to be mad about the fact that you copy and pasted my schizophrenic ramblings?

      Also plagiarism is explicitly defined in academia, so i would suggest you tuck your tail between your legs and be quiet.