His high school yearbook photo.


    • Flying SquidOPM
      74 months ago

      I get that hair if I don’t cut it, but it’s of the Jewish variety and thus not especially attractive. I am also jealous.

      • southsamurai
        34 months ago

        I dunno, and forgive this term if it’s one that’s become unwelcome without me catching on, but I dig the “jewfro”. I’ve always thought they looked awesome. Maybe not the same kind of awesome as African descended folks have, but still just a really cool look.

        Before I lost most of my hair, it was pretty nice, tbh. But it was also fairly standard white boy hair in texture, and rather soft, so I could never do anything really interesting with it without a ton of product. Left to itself, it just hung there. Nice coloration, but boring as hell if there wasn’t a breeze lol.

        I did manage to maintain a decent 80s style mullet my senior year, with the top feathered and lightly sprayed. Then I just let it grow after that. Now I rock a skullet, and gaze with envy at the cool hair others have lol

        • Flying SquidOPM
          24 months ago

          I had a Jewfro that large in high school, but it was a mess. Maybe because I was a teenager. I just shave it all off when it gets too long now.