• @AA5B
    4 months ago

    While your complaint is valid in way too many places, you’re making it in a Massachusetts community where it’s just not.

    I’d also like to point you to what could have a huge impact on new multi family housing across eastern MA, over time

    We do have a huge housing affordability crisis here, but it’s not really the corporate investors. In general Massachusetts has a very high cost of living and decades of under building, too few housing units for needs. The residential exemption makes a difference to the extent local communities can, but it’s nowhere near enough. Encouraging development of more multi family housing (especially near transit) will make a bigger difference

    Linking back to Boston, it’s not as clear since they talk about an amount of tax reduction, but I find it interesting there is a max discount of 90%. If there are houses that meet that criteria, a landlord would be taxed ten times what someone living there would