The GameCube really is underrated.

  • @TootSweet
    4 months ago

    Are you kidding? Link is by far the most broken character. That grab and throw your opponent into the pit behind you trick is total BS. As is the upswipe and shoot with an arrow before they hit the ground move. You can just mop the floor against any non-Link character so easily. And that’s true whether both players are button mashing or both investing in learning the combos. (And to a surprising extent if the Link player is a button masher and the opponent is “good”.)

    And I say that as the douchebag who always played as Link. My record is 63 to 3 in one afternoon against a player who played/practiced just as much as I did and his character of choice was Nightmare. He knew the juggling combos and all just like I did, but Link is just broken beyond belief.

    Just like Kirby in Super Smash Brothers 64. (They nerfed Kirby a good amount in later Smash Brothers installments.)

    • @[email protected]
      34 months ago

      I mained Ivy, so maybe it was just range & constant sidestepping that gave me no issues with Link.

    • @[email protected]
      24 months ago

      Isn’t this the one where picking Raphael and mashing the crap outta “Y” was basically a braindead victory every time?