More efficient manufacturing, falling battery costs and intense competition are lowering sticker prices for battery-powered models to within striking distance of gasoline cars.

  • @RubberElectrons
    14 months ago

    Group buy-in is generally a foundational requirement for future changes…

    • @[email protected]
      14 months ago

      Idk what you mean by “group buy-in”, sorry, maybe it’s an idiom I’m not picking, I’m not a native speaker.

      If you mean that people generally should believe in the change for the change to happen, then yes, I agree that’s a great starting point. That’s why we leftists organise, and try to create resilient communities that care for those around us, in order to make people have better lives and be more aware of the oppression they’re suffering, and when the material conditions are appropriate, to be there.

      • @RubberElectrons
        4 months ago

        Sorry about that. You correctly guessed the right meaning of the word.

        Let’s keep moving, we’ll all do better so long as we can ignore the people trying to slow us down. Best of luck to you in your corner of the world.