• @Censored
    24 months ago

    No, the Empire only recently gained the ability to blow up planets. No one joined under threat of their planet being blown up.

    And yes, conscripts are fair game. Unless they A) rebel against their commanders and/or B) immediately surrender. As long as they keep running the death machine, they are culpable.

    • @Mr_Dr_Oink
      14 months ago

      Only a sith deals in absolutes!

      • @Censored
        14 months ago

        That’s not an absolute system. It’s a system where a person’s culpability is determined by their actions.

        • @Mr_Dr_Oink
          14 months ago

          Ok, i was trying to make a joke to diffuse what was clearly an attempt to argue with me in a serious way about something that i was only arguing in a light-hearted way.

          I dont agree with you that someone being forced to join a military makes them exempt from any moral consideration when trying to determine whether to blow up a space station they are on.

          What choice would you have made if you had a gun to your head?

          • @Censored
            14 months ago

            I’m not saying it’s a fair system, I am just saying they are a valid military target.

            But I’d like to think that I wouldn’t kill innocent people even if someone pointed a gun at my head. Of course no one knows how far they’ll go to survive until they’re put in dire circumstance.