• @troglodytis
    303 months ago

    This is my plan when a major illness rears its head.

    • @[email protected]
      -213 months ago

      So, just sit back and watch it happen to others too, instead of standing up for yourself, your fellow man, and your collective human rights?

      How horribly American :(

      • @Etterra
        403 months ago

        Hate to break it to ya, but nobody’s had the ability to fight all that money. Pres Obama made the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) and the Republicans gutted the shit out of it since then. Currently they’re killing mother’s and children by dismantling abortion services everywhere they can. We live in hell and half of our voting population has sworn their souls to a political party that lies to and screws them constantly, but they still vote for because it’s “their party.” The other half is stuck with leadership that factionalizes the second they get power, and is basically just the Republicans from the 80s.

        • @retrospectology
          53 months ago

          More depressing, the ACA wasn’t dismantled by the GOP, it started its life as a piece of GOP legislation. It was never going to be anything but a way to force people to pay for private insurance with insane deductibles. The reason shit is this bad is because establishment democrats are in on it too.

          You can thank people who keep voting for “moderates” in Democratic primaries for the continued failure of healthcare.

        • @[email protected]
          3 months ago

          they still vote for because it’s “their party.”

          No, they vote ‘R’ because they know the Party hates who they hate. The instant Republican “values” stop maliciously attacking women, LGBTQ+ folks, and brown people, they will start voting like Independents.

      • @troglodytis
        3 months ago

        Indeed. This is America

        Edit: I don’t understand why hugg_Jeggs’ comment has been down voted(yes, I agree vote count doesn’t really matter). It’s a fair point. The system is fucked, but it is a government of the people. Yep, a government that has effectively insulated itself from the people, but that only works if we allow it. I don’t agree that is necessarily on one individual’s decision to end life instead of saddle loved ones with dealing with debt, but I do think it’s a perspective with merit. That is my reasoning for upvoting the comment.

        So I’m honestly curious, what about the comment earns your downvote? Thanks for your input.

        • @[email protected]
          13 months ago

          It stands to reason that country with the highest level of gun ownership also has the highest level of selfish cowards

          In fact I do believe there may be a correlation there old bean 🤔

          • @troglodytis
            13 months ago

            The school shooting in Uvalde lends some compelling evidence to that idea.