Bots compose 42% of overall web traffic, and 65% of these bots are malicious, according to Akamai. Negative effects of scraper bots on business operations Web scraping is not just a fraud or security problem, it is also a business problem. Scraper bots have a negative effect on many facets of the organization, including revenue, competitive edge, brand identity, customer experience, infrastructure costs, and digital experience. With its reliance on revenue-generating web applications, the ecommerce … More → The post Web scraping is not just a security or fraud problem appeared first on Help Net Security.

  • @j4k3
    23 months ago

    Help! Our shit marketing is not working! People hate stalkerware. How will all 15,000 partners of our website afford their 3rd Ferrari’s. Buffett, Musk, and Koch will start paying someone else for the next soft coup attempt. Scraping is the best way to say fuck their dystopian bullshit.

    • @[email protected]
      23 months ago

      Yeah, I get the concerns about bots that publish content, but I don’t have sympathy for complaints about bots that only read.