The once invincible superhero universe has seemed increasingly vulnerable recently. Its atypically foul-mouthed new entry is predicted to be huge – even as it mocks its own brand.
Not the genre I think, but definitely the combined universe schtick. I’m thinking future crossovers will be less cinematic universe building and more having guest stars appear where it suits whoever is writing the movie.
So like Batman and Superman might show up for a cameo if it makes sense but that isn’t going to be contributing to some grander narrative that wraps up in a movie featuring the whole justice league against Darkseid or one of their other big bad multiversal threats.
Not the genre I think, but definitely the combined universe schtick. I’m thinking future crossovers will be less cinematic universe building and more having guest stars appear where it suits whoever is writing the movie.
So like Batman and Superman might show up for a cameo if it makes sense but that isn’t going to be contributing to some grander narrative that wraps up in a movie featuring the whole justice league against Darkseid or one of their other big bad multiversal threats.
I didn’t even like combined universes/mulitverses in comics in the 80s/90s.
It’s always been bad. We’re just seeing the same bad play out theatrically, now.