• @pyre
    1 month ago

    you’ve been downvoted because this is usually a strawman conservatives like to use but just in case you’re a genuine person who’s maybe not very familiar with anything in this area and have only heard talking points of bullshitters:

    not being attracted to any single transgender person, and any number of transgender people, does not make you transphobic. no one argues that.

    but maybe it is worth thinking about whether it makes sense to say you’re not attracted to any transgender people, including people you haven’t met… like, how would you know? attraction isn’t that simple.

    you can say you generally don’t find blonds attractive, for example, but even that can’t be a strict rule. you can always see a blond person that you do find attractive.

    and that’s weird because blond is a physical trait. transgender isn’t. there are all kinds of trans people, tall, short, overweight, skinny, feminine, masculine, androgynous, blond, ginger… like how would you ever know whether you find someone attractive based on whether they’re trans or not?

    saying that you wouldn’t date a transgender person is different, that goes into expectations from the relationship, romantic and sexual. and (although I’m a cishet dude here, so take it with a grain of salt but) I don’t think trans people would really find it unacceptable if you said respectfully that your expectations would not be fulfilled in such a relationship.

    no one’s trying to force you into anything. the lgbt movement today is mostly about not forcing people out of relationships they want to have. that doesn’t mean that they want it forced the other way around.