• Socialist Mormon SatanistOPM
    1 day ago

    Yep! Democrats trying to keep people from having choices, all in the name of “democracy.” Just like the Republicans do. Both parties are the same, friends.

    • El Barto
      24 hours ago

      Shut up, Russian Agent.

      At this point it’s either Kamala or Trump. And any effort to “vote third” party at this point only helps Trump.

      Don’t get me wrong. I wish the U.S. could have three, four, 12 strong parties. But that’s not the reality at the moment and we all must get rid of the orange turd asap. Through voting.

      • Socialist Mormon SatanistOPM
        -213 hours ago

        Hey, can you tell me how much a “Russian Agent” like me should get paid?! I mean, you seem so knowledgable on it and all. And should I be getting paid in russian dollars or US? Or is it the fabled “Russian Bitcoinz”?!

      • Socialist Mormon SatanistOPM
        21 hours ago

        How do ya figure I’m a Russian agent? All because I’m not voting for your candidate!? Lmao

        Half the country isn’t voting for Harris. They all Russian agents too!? Lolololol

        • El Barto
          117 hours ago

          Half the country. Oh minors can vote now?

          I’m not replying to the bot. Just the readers: saying “half of the country will vote Republican” is inaccurate. It maaaay be half of the registered voters, but it’s more like “half of the people who can be bothered to get up and vote”. And even so, let’s remember that Trump has lost the popular vote twice. So much for “half.”

          • Socialist Mormon SatanistOPM
            -113 hours ago

            So then ya have nothing to worry about in this election, right? Since so few numbers are voting for Trump, Harris is a shoo-in to win. So why so mad?

            • @RangerJosie
              015 hours ago

              Apparently I am.

              Idk. I do prefer lemmy to reddit (fuck u/spez) but unfortunately some things do stay the same.

                • @RangerJosie
                  115 hours ago

                  I’m aware. And I’m on your side. Lol.

                  • Socialist Mormon SatanistOPM
                    15 hours ago

                    Oh ok, sorry. I misinterpreted your comments. I have been responding to hate messages in the last 15 minutes, so I was going fast and furious. So I misread your comment. My bad!!

                    And friend, you are brave to admit you are on my side around these parts. People are getting more and more hateful! lol

        • El Barto
          223 hours ago

          Oh look. A black and white stance. Just what Russian botties produce.