• @Zacpod
    1 month ago

    Naw, dude. I want my social media to be a pleasant experience, like a chat around a water cooler. Not a road- rage yell-fest filled with bad takes, worse spelling/grammar, and where fucking Elon Musk gets to decide what I see. Just no.

    It’s not my responsibility to educate mouth breathing morons. Especially when they’re not interested in anything beyond their own hatred.

    Also, lol at your strawman. I’m not even remotely centrist. My political compass is waaay down in the bottom left. But thanks for making assumptions like that - kinda underlines my point on why Bluesky is a pleasant experience.

    • @[email protected]
      1 month ago

      If I’m being charitable, you are in the TOP LEFT. Authoritarian left since you think others controlling what you see is ok. Thats called authoritarianism.

      Did I say I wanted to be on Twitter? No. I left the day Elon Musk bought it.

      I also abandoned Reddit for similar reasons.

      I happen to hold the opinion that BlueSky users that subscribe to official block lists like yourself are hypocrites. You even allude to the fact that you by default assume that you’re better than most people because you mention spelling and grammar as barriers to entry. Did you know that there are poor people living in Alabama that didn’t get the same quality education as you? Do you know why? It’s BECAUSE you think they are subhuman and they look at your openly smug behavior (judging them based on their level of education) and reinforce your hatred. This all further reinforces the stupid tribalism. It’s so foolish. The true focus should be poor vs. rich in this country but we have educated douchebags like you that act so self-righteous and hateful to the less educated that they have no choice but to HATE YOU TO THE CORE.

      You’re far more right wing and centrist than you may think you are if you’re not comfortable with other people’s opinions. Couple that with the fact that you’re lazy enough to leave the decision of who you should hear out to some anonymous, smug lib is enough for me to question everything you say.

      Since you mention “water cooler conversations”, you should probably admit that your analogy is flawed unless you think the participants of social media should be chosen as employees are. A town square is a better analogy that your centrist myopia misses entirely. In a town square setting (like in an actual free country), each person has the right to express their opinions however they want.

      Go hide in your corner and pretend that you care about anyone but yourself if it makes you happy, though. But please stop pretending that you are even remotely a leftist. You’re an 80’s style republican at best if you think that social media should have the same relationship to its users than an employer does to its employees.

      • @Zacpod
        -41 month ago

        So many strawmen, lol!

        Again, I want my socials experience to be pleasant. I have no problem with uneducated people or people who spell poorly - I do have a problem with people (like you) who only have rage. People who think every person they disagree with needs to be yelled at. And when that rage addiction is combined with bad spelling/grammar it just underlines that it’s coming from a place of ignorance. Just makes for a better experience to not interact with those people at all. Just like I’ll no longer be interacting with you - because you’re unpleasant.

        • @[email protected]
          1 month ago

          Is strawman your blanket term for clearly worded points that others make that you disingenuously and smugly refuse to address?

          If you don’t want me to appear in a thread and rant against you, don’t say vapid, anti-democratic, fascist boot-licking stuff like you did, expecting no one to even remotely challenge you on it.

          In retrospect, maybe fascist, hyper censored social media is better for utterly fragile, unquestioning, intellectually lazy people like yourself that like to paint an entire “side” of the political spectrum as having “no empathy” while actually showing no one else any empathy in the first place.
