For the first time, scientists have observed a collection of particles, also known as a quasiparticle, that's massless when moving one direction but has mass in the other direction. The quasiparticle, called a semi-Dirac fermion, was first theorized 16 years ago, but was only recently spotted inside a crystal of semi-metal material called ZrSiS. The observation of the quasiparticle opens the door to future advances in a range of emerging technologies from batteries to sensors, according to researchers at Penn State.
I’m not sure what it would be used for but this is a brand new compound into humanities toolbox that advances physics at the same time. Unexplained phenomena that is also confirming a particle theorised 16y ago. Give Nobel please.
An uneducated hypothesis: have a bunch if these particles move back and forth in unison => directional force using only energy => space travel with infinite fuel
Finally some quality content.
I’m not sure what it would be used for but this is a brand new compound into humanities toolbox that advances physics at the same time. Unexplained phenomena that is also confirming a particle theorised 16y ago. Give Nobel please.
An uneducated hypothesis: have a bunch if these particles move back and forth in unison => directional force using only energy => space travel with infinite fuel
Only caveat is that we have to change everyone into fermions temporarily lol
Just a minor scientific hurdle, I’m sure they’ll figure it out in the upcoming weeks.
This is how we get to warp drive… Make it so number 1.
We might be able to make a warp drive within the crystal structure. 🫠
I like quality content, even if I can’t understand sometimes