• osaerisxero
    914 hours ago

    That’s right, he guarded a hallway with a pistol and a tailor to defend his facist government, and made deals with the literal space devil, not shit himself on the golf course while his lackey destroys it.

    • Singletona082
      46 hours ago

      Oh he is a monster through and through, unapologetically so. Hence the wonderful and unironic asking why there are no statues of him on Bajor.

      However he is a snake that went in himself because he considered it a job to be done. A job that had many perks yes, but a job rather than a reward.

      • @Tattorack
        24 hours ago

        Isn’t that a characteristic of Cardassian culture? To take family and duty incredibly seriously?

        • Singletona082
          13 hours ago

          Nominally, but there seems to be an encouragement of personal ambition couched in terms of ‘for the state.’ Plus those with ambition use this Statist philosophy for self-enrichment as often as not.