Around the world, progressive parties have come to see tight immigration restrictions as unnecessary, even cruel. What if they’re actually the only way for progressivism to flourish?

That the era of low immigration was also the era of progressive triumph is no coincidence. […] The United States felt more like a cohesive nation to many voters, with higher levels of social trust and national pride, and politicians were able to enact higher taxes on the rich and new benefits like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

  • @LaLuzDelSol
    4 hours ago

    It’s always been immigration, people. I’ve been saying it for years. Everyone, even the most liberal, has a breaking point when it comes to how much immigration they can tolerate before they feel like they are losing their way of life. And the amount of people who would migrate to the developed world if they could is basically unlimited, which ensures that every non-restrictive immigration program will eventually be overwhelmed.

    I don’t hate immigrants, I love and respect them and I reject the racist narratives of the right. But every country needs to have reasonable restrictions on immigration-especially illegal immigration- or eventually the people will radicalize against immigrants. You can say that’s unfair but it’s just the facts. Source: every nation that has ever experienced immigration waves.

    • 🦄🦄🦄
      14 hours ago

      Every liberal party that went stricter on immigration lost votes to the fascists in the last election in germany last week.

      • AatubeOP
        12 hours ago

        sauce? Conservative CDU went hard and won, the center-right–liberal FDP did far worse things and lost, while the Left Party is having record soaring membership.