Incels aren’t getting shit out of this, this benefits rightwing patriarchs who have abused wives at home.
Incels are alone in a basement or some shit dreaming about being the rightwing patriarch but the rightwing patriarch doesn’t likely feel anything but disgust for the incel. They’d purge the incel in a heartbeat if they could.
Incels are finally having their moment. Next they will propose laws requiring hot girls to date them.
Not date them, breed ala handmaids tale
Incels aren’t getting shit out of this, this benefits rightwing patriarchs who have abused wives at home.
Incels are alone in a basement or some shit dreaming about being the rightwing patriarch but the rightwing patriarch doesn’t likely feel anything but disgust for the incel. They’d purge the incel in a heartbeat if they could.
No they wouldn’t. That’s their voter base
Note the “if they could”
It’s more about doing everything they can to increase white birthrates. This us very much to secure white identity and majority.
The government mandated girlfriend will finally come true for Incels.