The Epic First Run programme allows developers of any size to claim 100% of revenue if they agree to make their game exclusive on the Epic Games Store for six months.

After the six months are up, the game will revert to the standard Epic Games Store revenue split of 88% for the developer and 12% for Epic Games.

  • @GeneralEmergency
    -11 year ago

    There we go with the exclusivity deals. That’s the maypole the G*mers dance around this time. Heaven forbid you guys have to wait for 6 months for a random indy game you’ve never heard of. It’s a bloody online storefront, you can use both on the same PC. But marks like you love to bring in the tribalism.

    The fact you would even consider comparing this the Microsoft merger is insanity. Two completely different situations.

    As for exclusivity of third party titles. I wouldn’t call my local record store anti-consumer because it’s 8-track selection was lacking, or my local 2nd hand game store because it doesn’t carry n-gage titles.

    This isn’t like when your parents bought you the wrong console, you have the choice to use both.which is a lot more then what we had previously.