• @muntedcrocodile
    1 year ago

    I love how giving specific powers to a specific race within the constitution is anything but racism. Sounds almost like the textbook definition of racism to me but what do i know.

    • @[email protected]
      121 year ago

      Apparently not a lot, considering actual race based powers have been in the constitution since its inception.

      • @muntedcrocodile
        41 year ago

        Most where removed currently there are only 2 sections that mention race that being section 25 and section 51. Section 25 prohibits a state from considering a race prevented from voting as part of their population (this was to encourage states not to discriminate but with our mandatory voting seems kinda irrelevent). Section 51 grants the commonwealth the ability to make laws about specific races. So as of current nothing in the constitution grants a race specifi powers it simply grants the government the ability to govern race.

          • @muntedcrocodile
            21 year ago

            For the white Australia policy there was a referendum in 19 something that removed indigenous peoples exception

            • @[email protected]
              11 year ago

              Yes, so there we have it. The white race has historically held exclusive powers within the constitution. An Indigenous Voice, on the other hand, would have no such power. If you want to cry about racism, you should start with white Australians, rather than the most disadvantaged minority group in the country.

              • @muntedcrocodile
                31 year ago

                Historically being the key word their we realised our mistakes and became a better nation because of it. Also ur missing the fundamental understanding that causation is not correlation. By saying what you said your are implying they are disadvantaged because of their race. Historically they where seen as lesser because of their race that has been abolished for very good reason. However the historical president has set many up for failure this has been carried forward through many things like intergenerational wealth inequality etc. By solving a problem for a specific race we are not solving the underlying issue that not all people have equality we are solving a subset of that issue and only addressing disadvantaged people contingent upon their race. If you think they white Australia policy was a mistake as you should how can u stand by as we separate the nation based upon nothing but race?

                • ⸻ Ban DHMO 🇦🇺 ⸻OPM
                  1 year ago

                  I still don’t think you understand the concept of the voice. It’s not there to end the disadvantage of Indigenous Australians.

                  It’s there to recognise that they are the traditional owners of this land and that we want them to help us to move forwards together. For over 60000 years they took care of this land and developed their way of life. At the end of the 18th Century, only ~200 years ago this effectively ended. Non-indigenous Australians aren’t expected to pack up and move to Europe, and it’s unfair to demand that Indigenous Australians give up their culture. The Voice will be a step in the right direction along a joint path

                  Edit: Clarity

      • @[email protected]
        41 year ago

        The foundation of the Australian colony is predicated on the notion that Indigenous People are not real humans and therefore the land was unoccupied.

    • @[email protected]
      91 year ago

      Of which powers do you speak?

      There is nothing in the proposal that says the body will have any power whatsoever. It can’t propose bills. It can’t veto bills. All it can do is draw attention to matters that will specifically impact First Nation peoples.

      • @muntedcrocodile
        -11 year ago

        Ok so if its powerless then its pointless and a waste of taxpayer money. If its not powerless then its exactly as i said. So which one is it? How is it not racist to have a body as part of government that requires u have a particular race to be a part of.

        • @[email protected]
          71 year ago

          It is a step. The first step towards a reconciliation and hopefully a treaty between First Australian and the new Australians who have come in the past 250 years.

          Because it is to be constitutionally recognised, the body cannot be dissolved by some future government. If and when we reach a treaty, the body will exist to represent the diverse Aboriginal peoples around the nation.

        • @[email protected]
          41 year ago

          So we should scrap all the other 20+ advisory panels with the same “powers” such as the landlords one, and the big business one?

          • @EurekaStockade
            41 year ago

            Yes lol. Half the reason this country is deteriorating is because big business is calling the shots, and the state of our property market is well trodden ground.

    • ⸻ Ban DHMO 🇦🇺 ⸻OPM
      31 year ago

      I will not remove this comment, however, this argument is tired and has been rejected time and time again. It’s just wrong. In fact I would go so far as to say misinformation.

      As has been stated by other users the alteration actually gives no power to Indigenous Australians that they don’t already have:

      Chapter IX Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples

      129 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice

      In recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Peoples of Australia:

      there shall be a body, to be called the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice; the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice may make representations to the Parliament and the Executive Government of the Commonwealth on matters relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples; the Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have power to make laws with respect to matters relating to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice, including its composition, functions, powers and procedures.

      I forgot to mention it in the post because Dale wouldn’t have picked up that this article was about the voice but we do have a megathread where this has been brought up before. If it becomes apparent that you are engaging in bad faith there will be further action taken.

      • @muntedcrocodile
        01 year ago

        I dont believe im engaging in bad faith if i am i would be more than happy for you to explain how

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      is this one of the arguments you got from that pro-putin cooker who is organising ‘NO’ protests?

      • @muntedcrocodile
        11 year ago

        No this is the argument that any lines drawn by race are inertly racist. I have no idea who this pro putin cooker is but putin is genociding the Ukrainian people which is also racist.