I am Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan, Ib Al Abbas, Ibn Rasid, Ibn Hammad. And things were not always thus. At one time, I was a poet in the greatest city in the world. Life was easy and I lived without care. Until one fateful day, I met a beautiful woman who belonged to another man.

The 13th Warrior is a 1999 American historical action film based on Michael Crichton’s 1976 novel Eaters of the Dead, which is a loose adaptation of the tale of Beowulf combined with Ahmad ibn Fadlan’s historical account of the Volga Vikings.

It stars Antonio Banderas as ibn Fadlan, as well as Diane Venora and Omar Sharif. It was directed by John McTiernan; Crichton directed some uncredited reshoots. The film was produced by McTiernan, Crichton, and Ned Dowd, with Andrew G. Vajna, James Biggam and Ethan Dubrow as executive producers.


  • @Rolando
    21 year ago

    Massively underrated movie. The book is great too.

    • ArotriosOP
      21 year ago

      Totally agreed - This one has some of Banderas’ best acting (in an English speaking film), and the cinematography is extremely good (still get chills from the firewyrm scene). The supporting cast is also exceptionally strong, and extremely dynamic - one of the best renditions of Vikings in cinema when it came out.

      You know, I realized when I read your comment that I had never read the novel, and decided to go track down a copy. It’s reminding me a lot of Nabokov’s Pale Fire in how it approaches the narrative through the lens of academic analysis - very cool read thus far - thanks!