Solan [the union VP] fiercely defended Auderer [the joking cop] in his interview with OPA, calling him a “pillar in this department” who had “served his community for decades, leading in arrests.” Auderer has been an SPD officer for about 14 years — not decades — and has been the subject of dozens of allegations of using excessive force, behaving unprofessionally, and other violations of SPD policy.

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    “SPOG looks forward to the closure of this investigation to make sure all the facts are put out there for context, if we’re talking about policy, loss of human life, and transparency and the understanding that officers need to feel as if the accountability system has their best interests in mind.

    SPOG president Mike Solan isn’t stupid. He knows Seattle’s rightwing local media will spin this story in his favor. He knows that the Office of Public Accountability is toothless and will only give them a slap on the wrist. And he is brazen in his statements, metaphorically spitting on the citizenry that he is supposed to serve. Mike Solan is evil.

    But even if Mike Solan got what he deserves, his replacement will be just as evil. We have a system that breeds this type of unaccountable injustice.

    This beautiful city had one of the strongest chapters in the George Floyd protest movement, and I believe it did a lot to change public perception. Unfortunately it completely failed at changing public policy. We need a new revolution.