Hey all! Doug has decided to step aside, and since I already volunteered to help mod a couple other big groups, I figured “What’s one more?” I’d hate to see an engaged commnity fall apart just because the mod steps away.

Quick background, I’m from Portland, Oregon and we’ve been steeped in police problems for decades now. You might have seen my recent post of Portland police working with right wing activists, but man, it’s so much deeper than that.

They shut down the gun violence taskforce as shootings rose to unheard of levels. They stopped doing traffic enforcement. They stopped responding to 911 calls. All while collecting a 1/4 of a billion dollars a year in budget.

And this is just in Portland.

Then there was that time they tased a 71 year old blind lady…


  • @JudCrandall
    71 year ago

    Welcome, Jordan! Thank you for stepping up!

    And Doug, good riddance to bad rub-- just kidding. You’ve done something amazing with this community here and we all owe you a debt of gratitude. :)