I myself got turned onto it through my lil buddies. One of whom shared some reefer with me and smoked me out at the local swimming pool. I didn’t feel a thing. Or so I thought 😂 😂 😂 😂 😭 😅 😱 🤣

  • @Kyrgizion
    511 months ago

    I smoked some very old bud through an ornamental “african” pipe as a joke.

    I must’ve been 21 or so and was still living at home. I had some friends over and we got into, as they say, shenanigangs.

    Somehow we ended up finding a bag of bud in a drawer. Must’ve been a leftover from my dad’s. Someone else pointed out we had a pipe (not really, it was just a wall decoration) and I was dared to smoke it.

    Before anyone comments, yeah, I was a rural hick and so were said friends and we weren’t exactly used to going ‘so wild’. This was over two decades ago tho.

    Anyway, I apparently had a real good puff for a firsttimer and whatever happened to time after that I still can’t quite describe.

    All those years later I unfortunately have overdone it to the point I need to reconsider a few things. Mostly the cost. It’s still fully illegal where I live so black market prices are sky high unless you have a big social circle and lots of connections, which I don’t.

    • @BigBlackCockroachOP
      311 months ago

      I was a rural hick

      The best type of hick imho 😜 😉

      Your story is such a hoot, particularly that you and your friends found weed at the right time and place. Must have been one hell of an evening! 😁 🤗