I feel like I’ve done some RADIO today, friendos…
…I’ve been looking at that hf.dxview.org map, thinking ‘fuck you, map’, and I started wondering where their data comes from. I’m still not sure.

But I do know, maybe it comes from *what tx I can get through the ehter to my spotters."

So today I said, Ham is not looking at a friggen map and giving up.

Ham is about drawing that map. Ham is about understanding that it takes all of us to draw the map, and if my radio is off, what good is it doing me or anyone else?

So I’ve been transmitting today, in spite of the impossible MUF described by the map, and in spite of being completely locked out of 20m, according to the map, and hopefully, even if it wasn’t statistically significant, I contributed something to the global awareness of condx; because I’m all over that bitch.

Y’all know you know how to use it, I don’t need to make a screenie.

Love y’all babies, I’ll stop back in later! XD



  • @MiddleWeigh
    11 year ago

    This made me wanna get into radio ngl