• @filister
    10 months ago

    Oh great, how would you feel if someone bombed your home but warned you about it. And then it continues bombing the whole neighbourhood and then city. And you are displaced with nowhere to go. But this someone has not finished with you, he then says, for the pretext that a couple of bad guys in your country, he will cut your fuel, food, access to drinking water, electricity and then telecommunication services, because you know those bad guys can steal it.

    Oh and by the way, you are now sheltering in an overcrowded tent with 80 more people. This someone also decides that you don’t deserve to have even a hospital, so he closes that hospital, oh and he also bombs around your tent, just because he can. Just that this time, there is nowhere to bring the injured people. Winter is coming, temperatures are going down, the situation becomes pretty tense, you are struggling every day to provide food to your family. Your kids are waking up in the middle of the night and crying and asking you why they cannot go back home and play with their own toys and are starving. But this guy refuses to give you a break. And mind you, you personally didn’t do anything bad to this guy, absolutely nothing, but still he doesn’t stop and tells you that all of this is justified because of those bad guys. Your kids are getting sick and one day after unsuccessful food hunt you come back to your tent and see your kids dead and your wife injured.

    So ELI5 how exactly would you feel, because I am pretty sure you haven’t gone through such a nightmare in your life.

    Oh and this is pretty much the reality for the people in Gaza. They don’t know if today won’t be their last day. They are dehumanized, with nowhere to go or escape from this nightmare. They are trapped in this small piece of land and are desperate, wondering what they did to deserve this.

    And if you think this isn’t wrong then I can only feel sorry about you!