It’s a good time to be a worker and a bad time to be a consumer — the problem is most people are both.

  • @MindSkipperBro12
    110 months ago

    If I tell you that I’m autistic, does it mean that I’m still able to use the word?

    • theinspectorst
      010 months ago

      It may be helpful context, and in real life the context of who is using them and why does matter with offensive words.

      But people on anonymous internet discussion boards (like the person who reported your comment) have no way of verifying the identity and the intention of the people who post here. So it’s cleaner, fairer and easier to moderate fairly if we have simple rules against using offensive language. I would take the same approach if someone posted a racial slur but asserted it was okay because they were part of that ethnic group, for example.