Rebel Moon writer Kurt Johnstad weighs in on Zack Snyder’s newest film getting pelted with bad reviews.

  • @Rolando
    69 months ago

    I think what this movie has is an emotional drive and a core and characters that are vulnerable.

    Yeah… vulnerable to criticism!

    This isn’t an IP. This is an original story.

    I keep thinking of Kubrick, widely regarded as one of the greatest directors of all time, who (almost?) always started from novels. He was adapting IP but the outcome was always “original” in terms of his take on it. The shame is that there are plenty of classic science fiction novels that could have been used as a starting point for the money and effort that Snyder wasted.

    Similarly, consider Tarantino. Django Unchained, for example, was obviously derived from the 60s movie Django and was heavily influenced by the movie Mandingo, and yet the result was very original. Snyder and his cowriters just couldn’t perform at that level.

    • @Tattorack
      59 months ago

      Snyder’s best movies are ones he didn’t write. Snyder isn’t good at understanding the stories adapting either, but because he tends to sticks so close to the source material Snyder accidentally makes good adaptations.