This week’s list is up!

Operation Sunshine #4 - The LPOTL guys, last issue of the first run, but the second run starts soon. Really digging this one, more than their last one Soul Plumber, actually.

Creepshow Volume 2 #5 - Creepshow!

Cable #1 - Cable huh? Well I did enjoy the old Cable vs Deadpool. I’ll prob pick this up.

Looks like that’s it for me, what’s on your pull lists?

  • @jordanlundM
    59 months ago

    What’s going on this week… Light for me compared to the last few, but that makes sense, limited series have been ending.

    Jackpot #1 - Mary Jane is a superhero now?

    Jay Garrick The Flash #4 - More JSA goodness and Boom has been a delight!

    John Constantine Hellblazer Dead In America #1 - Si Spurrier’s Constantine returns! 8 issue run.

    Miracleman By Gaiman And Buckingham The Silver Age #7 - TBH, I forgot this was still running. #6 was MONTHS ago!

    Nightwing #110 - Following the pirate crusade!

    Superman #10 - Another entry in a good Supes run.

    Superman Lost #10 - Final issue after the BOMB that dropped last issue.

    Titans #7 - I think this is getting lost in the whole Beast World thing.

    Wonder Woman #5 - Not just the best WW book, one of thf better books period right now.

    Fall of X:
    Cable #1 - Here we go again!
    X-Men #30 - Nearing the end, again!

    • @jordanlundM
      18 months ago

      I take back every positive thing I said about Superman Lost. #10 ends in such an anti-climactic, non-event that it’s legitimately infuriating. It un-does ALL the good will built up in the previous 9 issues.

      O-M-G… At least admit you don’t have a clue how to end the story properly instead of just hitting the reset button.