Elon has responded to the criticism and is increasing the limits to a whopping:

Verified accounts: 8000 posts/day
Unverified accounts: 800 posts/day
New unverified accounts: 400 posts/day
  • @simplecyphers
    1491 year ago

    Nothing like telling someone they can’t use your product. I can only imagine what the advertisers are thinking.

    • @NevermindNoMindOP
      521 year ago

      For ease of math, let’s say you see one ad for every ten tweets, this effectively limits a single users ad impressions to 80 day. That is not something advertisers would have expected when they dropped dollars onto the platform. As an advertiser, you also can’t be assured going forward that Musk isnt going to randomly implement some other major change that effects your business.

      I’m guessing the rational here is fighting against scrapers harvesting tweets for AI. Whether this is effective on that front, and whether worsening the user experience is a worthwhile tradeoff, I don’t know. But it’s smart business to at least give people, users and advertisers a heads up first. It sounds like Musk implemented this change Saturday morning and didn’t announce it until he tweeted about it hours later.

      • @thehatfox
        1 year ago

        This doesn’t do much to stop scrapers though. If accounts have a limited number of tweet views, the scrapers just create more accounts. Scrapers are gonna scrape, especially if there is some of that sweet AI money to be had. Trying to stop that is just another endless cat and mouse like fighting ad blocking or piracy.

        Meanwhile this could do a lot to reduce user engagement, and thus hurt ad revenue even more. The panic over AI data doesn’t seem worth that. Perhaps there is another explanation for this. Or maybe this is just more tech company craziness, it sure seems to be catching at the moment.

    • @scarabic
      201 year ago

      “I can’t wait for my brand to be associated with a site that was a festering sore to begin with, and is now run by the world’s most inflamed asshole and unstable to boot.”

      • @simplecyphers
        91 year ago

        When you say it like that I’m not sure how they resist.

        • @scarabic
          31 year ago

          Someone at Preparation H has a whole PowerPoint on this