It’d be funny if it weren’t so tragic. Korea has the lowest fertility rate in the world and it has many reasons, 4th quater last year was 0.6 children per woman. Here is one of the reasons:

I’m a stay at home dad and I’ll need to go back to work in 4 months. We’re both foreigners so our son is foreigner too even if he was born in Korea. We called the nursery which is close to us here and they said there a 30 babies in line but that doesn’t even matter, because as foreigners we are not allowed to be in that line anyway.

So I have two options, either hire a nanny which will consume most of what I’m making probably, or don’t go to work, which is probably what I’ll have to do, which is problematic for more than just the money reason. If this continues, I guess moving back to Europe will become a necessity more than just a wish from my side.

  • @miseducator
    18 months ago

    Thanks for the update. Korea loves their point systems. I’m curious how a newborn even accumulates points.

    A mil is quite a lot compared to what Korean parents pay after the government helps them out. Are you sure there aren’t any government programs you could take advantage of? My wife, who’s Korean, and I had to hit up the government office a couple of times to get enlisted in the programs we’re in. I know it’s a lot harder to navigate as you’re both foreigners, but it might be worth a shot to call around and see if you qualify for some kind of aide. Like you said, you’re paying the taxes.

    • JeenaOP
      28 months ago

      My partner is ethnically Korean, but she is still Chinese citicen (but is switching to Korean citicenship right now), she was born into the Korean minority in China and grew up speaking Korean only until she went to middle school or something. She is handling all of it, I’m just watching her doing it ^^. Anyway there was something where we can get a coupple of thousends but nothing worth mentioning.

      • @miseducator
        18 months ago

        Oh, right on. Best of luck to y’all!