• ???
      8 months ago

      I am disputing any religious group having the right to kill the natives of a land and take over because of something written in some holy book, especially if they go on to form a colonial ethnostate.

      Literally all Israel had to do was treat Palestinians like human beings, and it has failed for 75 years.

      Ps: i think what would be fair to Palestinians after all the ethnic cleansing is to found a Palestinian state, with Jewish, Muslim, Christian, and atheist citizens who all get to vote in a fair election. Israel was going to keep the “Palestine” name anyway but they decided against it because how else does one begin the cultural erasure of an entire nation?

        • ???
          18 months ago

          The multiple solutions offered and rejected by Palestinians.

          Israel, meanwhile:

          Following the conflict, the UN adopted Resolution 242, which calls on Arab countries to recognize Israel’s right to “live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force,” as well as for Israel to withdraw from “territories occupied” in the conflict — essentially, to revert to its pre-1967 borders, a provision that Israel has since resisted.

          And also, they were not “solutions”.

          But Palestinians contend that those offers, no matter how generous by Israeli standards, never went far enough. Israel has always had the military and diplomatic edge in the conflict, with a powerful ally in the US. And Palestinians have been forced to progressively narrow their conception of acceptable peace, let alone a fair peace, especially as Israel treats its territorial expansion as a fait accompli and normalizes relations with Arab countries that had previously fought for the Palestinian cause.


            • ???
              8 months ago

              I cannot help but wonder what if the Arab states would have welcomed and absorbed the Gaza and Westbank Arabs into their respective countries as Israël did with all the Jews expelled from all the Arab countries if the issue would have been so dire today.

              The Nakba?

                • ???
                  08 months ago

                  Yeah but… you cannot help but wonder about a thing that actually happened?