• The government’s tax cuts will pass parliament with the support of the Coalition
  • The federal opposition will attempt to amend the bill but will not stand in the way if that fails
  • The prime minister dared the Coalition to oppose the bill ahead of its introduction
  • @spez_
    28 months ago

    Translation: We will lose billions of dollars per year, and therefore have less money on public services.

    A tax cut is a service cut

    • @[email protected]
      18 months ago

      Absolutely! Unfortunately, not something the small government voters understand (from my experiences living in a conservative area). Simultaneously sabotaging funding for public services through tax cuts while also criticising the lack of service from the same sectors. E.g. Hospital staff funding cuts leading to ramping. Guess which one they care about; the cause or the result.

      But given the option between giving tax breaks to the upper echelons or the masses I’m choosing the many over the few.