Works of the Third Assault Division in action. The same ones for which our collection is now announced.

Building a modern army is the key to victory and breaking the situation on the battlefield. After all, a small Soviet army can never be stronger than a large Soviet army. To beat the enemy, we must be more creative, more technological, smarter!

The fighters of the 3rd OSHbr know what they are doing, but they need support.

Make a donation to the main Monobank “Assault robots”: 👉🏻

Do you have the strength and ambition to join the team gathering as a co-organizer? Here are the instructions: 👉🏻

The Third Assault Brigade now needs all the support it can get. Let’s show the steel warriors on the front line that there is a single powerful rear behind them!

  • BombOmOm
    38 months ago

    The mine flail remains my favorite de-mining strat. It isn’t as flashy as rocket-deployed line charges; instead it has a medieval flair to it that just makes them great.

    • Dremor
      27 months ago

      As we say in Software Engineering : Keep It Simple and Small. Flails worked during WW2, it will still work now.