• @DV8
    47 months ago

    I don’t necessarily agree that the screenshots shown here would warrant being fireable. Though I’m willing to change my opinion if he does this with all his subordinates or there’s some additional information that shows him being more coercive. Or some extra explanation of how my perspective is wrong, which it could be.

    A reprimand would be in order though. And ofcourse his wife is entitled to being extremely mad and dissapointed.

    • @Kainsley
      67 months ago

      Almost all management contracts have a fraternisation clause. If any of these leaks are true (I don’t see how they are going to prove it at this point and it all seems a bit funky to me) then it would almost definitely be a fireable offence.

    • AlexisFR
      37 months ago

      He cheated on his previous pregnant wife to get with Geri, si she probably knows what she signed up for.

      • @DV8
        67 months ago

        I just have, so adjusting my opinion accordingly. This clearly is abuse of power and inappropriate behaviour in the workplace that goes beyond an inappropriate but not abusive attempt to have a romantic relationship with a coworker.

        It’s ridiculous RB thinks he can stay in his position.