The catalyzing moment was last week, when CEOs of major U.S. MAX customers Southwest, United, Alaska, and American demanded to meet the board to express frustration at a lack of progress, sources said. Boeing Chairman Larry Kellner offered to set up bilateral meetings instead.

But over the weekend, Boeing’s board pre-empted that action - agreeing to staggered departures of Calhoun, Kellner and planemaking CEO Stan Deal, whose post went to chief operating officer Stephanie Pope. A senior industry source described the shakeup as Boeing management being “fired by its customers.”

Insiders noted it was the broadest top-level clear-out since CEO Phil Condit resigned days after the company’s finance director was fired in a defense-contract scandal in 2003. “The U.S. carriers were determined to force regime change,” said a source familiar with the discussions.

  • @jordanlund
    446 months ago

    Maybe start by purging everyone who came onboard from McDonnell Douglas?

        • FuglyDuck
          166 months ago

          Barnett was whistleblower who died under the kind of circumstances that make you go “yeah. he didn’t kill himself.”

          • no banana
            76 months ago

            I know, I was asking if they should order a hit on his hitman

            • FuglyDuck
              66 months ago

              naw what they should do is… take him into custody, make sure the world know how cooperative he’s being. Naming names. you know. then let him back. so that he actually decides to cooperate.

              • no banana
                16 months ago

                Sure. I was just making a joke.