NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg has reportedly floated a five-year, €100 billion package that allies are set to discuss in Brussels. Ahead of the meeting, he said Ukraine’s NATO membership was a question of “when, not if.”

  • @avater
    6 months ago

    this will never be resolved. Russia has already shifted its economy to war, they are not gonna leave or surrender it’s all or nothing for them…

    So this means sadly no NATO membership for Ukraine as I don’t see how we get the Russians of of this country without boots on the ground.

    • @Bernie_Sandals
      16 months ago

      No country can run on a war economy forever, eventually it starts to harm the living standards of the population, and Ukrainians can endure a lot more of that than middle and upper class Moscovites. As long as we supply the weapons, Ukraine can outlast Russia.

      • @avater
        -16 months ago

        No country can run on a war economy forever, eventually it starts to harm the living standards of the population

        I agree to that, but Russia can endure this also for a long time and doesn’t give a shit about its population, that much we already know. We are now in the second year of this degnerated war and the west is already showing signs of fatigue. So it’s more about how long we as the collective west can endure this war and the support for Ukraine and with Trump on the horizont for the americans and the rise of those far right dipshits here in germany and other countries in europe, I’m not that optimistic.

        To really end this war I think the western countries and the NATO have to do a lot more in terms of direct support with more weapons, training, ammunition and support for Ukraine, i personally would also favor NATO troops in Ukraine. They also have to cut ties with Russia in every single aspect, isolate them from everything, cease their money and give it to ukraine, punish their oligarchs, enforce every single sanction a lot harder (with force if necessary) and completley ignore all the intimidations, even their threats with nuclear weapons.

        Because Russia must not win this war! If they would win, it would show that every country can attack and do whatever the fuck it wants and also manipulate and surpress others under the protection of their nuclear weapons and we have to prevent this at any cost.