Actwres girl’Z posted about the departure of 6 members (didn’t give names) and producer Fuka. Given said 6, and Fuka, just appeared on Rossy’s conference for his new promotion we know where they went!

Death, taxes, and Rossy poaching joshi. Something something iconic duo.

  • MolochAlter
    25 months ago

    Isn’t Nanae, Fuka, and Rossy the same trio that started Stardom back in the day? Or am I mixing Rossy and the joshi who had beef with Asuka?

    Either way, man, Rossy went for the heavy hitters with his poaching.

    • GeekFTWOPM
      15 months ago

      No you got it. Nanae, Fuka and Rossy were the OG 3 who formed the company and Nanae and Asuka last anyone knew still don’t like each other.

      I don’t watch AWG but from other comments I’ve read, the way they do things behind the scenes tends to lead to not much inter-company stuff, and if you’re making dog-shit money ya gotta be looking for a way out. The fact that Fuka took 6 women with her is fucking big.