• @Chocrates
    35 months ago

    Any idea what this means? Dubai is quite dry from my understanding so perhaps this could be a good thing if they get the infrastructure up to try to mitigate the flooding.

    • @[email protected]
      45 months ago

      My concern to this is similar to my concern that permafrost is suddenly not returning to the poles anymore.

      The earth is technically in an ice age right now, since we have large polar ice caps that are supposed to be relatively “permanent”, and rather than a gradual climate change, or even a climactically “immediate” change that takes thousands of years, the world is very rapidly in the last decade experiencing unexpected, literally unprecedented massive shifts in global weather systems that we don’t understand, can’t predict, but appear to be connected to goober warming.

      These shifted weather patterns can destroy ecosystems, any number of animal species, human settlements and agricultural practices rapidly.

      It’s nice that Alaskans have an extra six weeks of moderate temperatures every year because of global warming, but does that mean that they’ll only have moderate temperatures in another decade? The “warm winter” trend is increasing annually around the globe.

      • @Chocrates
        15 months ago

        Me too, but the world has proven it doesn’t have an appetite to fix it so we need to prepare for an iceless world.

        • @[email protected]
          15 months ago

          I’m gonna get that solar car, aptera.

          It’s not what anyone can call a “solution” to global warming, but it is a cool car.

          • @Chocrates
            15 months ago

            I’m thinking about an ebike. My streets aren’t really bikeable but I am close enough to what I need that I could make it happen.

            I would love to sell my truck and be car free, but it freaks me out.

            • @[email protected]
              15 months ago

              They’re the best, I have an e-bike and it’s fun transportation I’ve ever had. I’m expecting aptera to be like that as well, but I do like bike sensation.

              I can only recommend getting one, and they have tons of e-bikes with wider wheels so it doesn’t really matter what surface you’re on anymore.

              If you don’t haul stuff, the e-bike is definitely the way to go. So much less maintenance, all you need is a backpack for pretty much everything

              • @Chocrates
                15 months ago

                I’ve got a dog I like to bring everywhere I can. Was thinking of getting one that has that wooden cargo platform in the front that I can secure her in. I also live in an attic apartment so the logistics of getting it in and out are gonna be a pain.

                Just excuses though, cars are familiar and “easy”, even though I’d ultimately save money if I sold it.

                • @[email protected]
                  25 months ago

                  Yea, it’s so cheap to run and charge the e-bike, and of course any maintenance or repairs are orders of magnitude less expensive then a vehicle.

                  Tons of bike shops let you ride one around to try them out, or you could rent one for a week and see if it’s what you’re looking for.

                  I only used my e-bike for a little over a year, and then I bought a used SUV cuz I was going on a big road trip and I wanted to sleep in the back of it.

                  I highly recommend the e-bike, or at least trying one out and seeing if it fits your lifestyle, they’re the coolest.

                  I’ve gone something like 9,000 miles on mine at this point, with zero practical change in my electric bill, if there is a difference I haven’t noticed it.

                  And all the time no fuel, no insurance, no registration or tag fees, emissions testing, ican still do all of my shopping, it definitely worked for my lifestyle, until I decided to go on the road trip of course.

                  Also, I’ve owned several motorcycles and vehicles, and it’s been 3 years with my e-bike and nothing but the kickstand has broken so far, which I got a new kickstand for.

                  It’s a pretty satisfying experience