• @NeptuneOrbit
    5 months ago

    Founding fathers: you will eat cheese or pepperoni pizza for the rest of your life.

    Conservatives: so wise

    Any rational person: there’s better toppings out there.

    Non americans: you guys eat pizza? Every night? Every single night??

    • @shimdidly
      5 months ago

      First, a true principle and anything built on true principles are timeless. If pepperoni pizza is the Truth then quite frankly we should be eating it for the rest of our life.

      Second, the founding fathers never said this. They created the Constitution as a living document. Also, almost every major problem in this country can be traced back to deviation from what the constitution set forth. “Congress shall issue money.” J/k we’re gonna have a private, un-auditable Federal Reserve print money out of thin air and loan it at interest.

      • @NeptuneOrbit
        15 months ago

        Pepperonis are a sad facsimile of real cured meats.

    • @Veneroso
      15 months ago

      There was a time I would have gone for this diet.

      Low-key I would probably do still.

      Pizza is freaking amazing.

      I would definitely vary the toppings.

      As an American, adding bread to any food creates a sandwich. Pizza is just an open face sandwich. Fold that sucker and bam! Sandwich!