• @[email protected]
    1179 months ago

    They don’t mention it causing turmoil at Xitter, presumably because they are already at maximum turmoil capacity

    • Rentlar
      369 months ago

      Perhaps they contacted Twitter for a comment on Elon’s drug use and got a statement that read: 💩

      • LiveLM
        79 months ago

        I still can’t believe that’s a real thing he did, it’s straight out of a comedy skit.
        I loved when the writers would try to get in contact and would point out the reply in their articles. Seems they got tired of it after a while unfortunately.

    • rivermonster
      69 months ago

      I really like the term “maximum turmoil capacity”. LOL, ty.

    • @[email protected]
      19 months ago

      Xhitter employee #1: Oh dude, I think the boss is tripping balls!

      Xhitter employee #2: Maybe today won’t be a total loss. Should I ask him to share that shit with us?

  • magnetosphere
    679 months ago

    I’m usually ready to laugh at this asshole, but if he has a drug problem, then I pity him.

    Important note: pity and sympathy are similar, but not the same thing.

      • @jopepa
        159 months ago

        I used to work with this mean miserable guy and there were so many times a lot of us would try to cheer him up. Share food, invite to after work drinks, movies, concerts, just include him. He never took anyone up on it, ever. After a friend of mine left that job and confronted him about his shitty attitude and self alienation, he just said, “I don’t want your pity.”

        Ironically, after I heard that I stopped sympathizing and did just pity the guy.

        • @ashok36
          19 months ago

          Maybe he just didn’t want to hang out with you guys and had a perfectly fine life outside of work. Crazy, I know.

          • @jopepa
            139 months ago

            I sincerely hope he does, but I think it’s pretty sad that someone conflates kindnesses with pity.

          • @[email protected]
            29 months ago

            I often don’t want to hang out with coworkers. I just politely decline if asked affirmatively. There’s no reason to decline and say, “I don’t want your pity” since I assume they’re just to be inclusive and friendly. I know a lot of people on here have a hard work/life separation, but you do have to exist with your coworkers for some portion of your life. Might as well make interactions with them pleasant.

      • @captainlezbian
        49 months ago

        I can do both. I pity the sad man who is addicted to drugs, but also he’s a fascist campaigning for human suffering and I hate that about him.

    • littleblue✨
      99 months ago

      Empathy is to understand another’s emotional state. Sympathy is to effectively mirror it.

      Buuuut, much like “literally” now means “figuratively” and “decimate” has lost all meaning after being mistaken for “devastate”… Carry on. The species is circling the drain anyhow.

      • @seaQueue
        299 months ago

        Misuse of decimate gets me every 10th time

    • @banneryear1868
      99 months ago

      Sometimes I say “sympathy without empathy” for these situations lol

    • @JoMiran
      9 months ago

      No. I interacted with him on two occasions during the PayPal days. They were pitching PayPal as a payment mechanism for a bunch of our verticals. Even back then he was weird, awkward, and cringe. I think there is video of him back then taking possession of a McLaren and you can see how cringe he was.

      EDIT: Found it.. On rewatch, it doesn’t really show how insufferable he was in person. It’s funny to see how x.com gets recycled though.

        • @ours
          119 months ago

          I don’t understand people buying such high-end toys and not bothering to pay for some training.

          • @AngryCommieKender
            59 months ago

            Seriously. Racing school was fun and only $1,500! Yeah that was serious money for me, but I thought it was a good investment/ birthday present. For him though… That’s like a quarter.

            Uninsured is also just strange. Even if I bought a junked supercar, rebuilt the thing myself, and didn’t care if I wrecked it, I’d still insure the thing.

            • @[email protected]
              69 months ago

              I feel like Elon is the type of guy who views having insurance as weak. Like someone or something having an even minute amount of authority over him is unthinkable.

            • @JoMiran
              29 months ago

              For him though… That’s like a quarter.

              Today, yes, but back then he was just another dot com millionaire. Remember, that footage was before PayPal, so he probably had about 300M, tops. A million was still only a fraction of his wealth, but it was still a noticeable fraction.

              • @AngryCommieKender
                19 months ago

                Even so, I seriously doubt the $1500 he could have spent to learn to drive the thing properly would have been a serious expense.

        • @ours
          59 months ago

          Nothing money couldn’t fix apparently.

      • @DanglingFury
        159 months ago

        Lol i love how he called it X .com way back then and they renamed it to paypal.

      • @Hackerman_uwu
        49 months ago

        Some prophetic words from the finance there.

      • sebinspace
        39 months ago

        I was thinking he wrecked his F1 but I think that was Rowan Atkinson…

        • @ours
          49 months ago

          According to another comment Musk wrecked his McLaren but so did Atkinson (twice!).

          It’s like crazy high-performance sports cars are hard to drive.

          • @Hackerman_uwu
            39 months ago

            I won a competition to drive a Ferrari F458 on a track. It was dope but it took me several tries to even pull away cleanly (this is after an hour long lesson about the track and 30min hands on with the car).

            One of the Ferrari guys took it and warmed it up for me after which it behaved much better but it’s a long story to say that I can see an inexperienced driver screwing up badly in a super car especially when cold.

            • @ours
              39 months ago

              And the McLaren F1 is an older more raw car than the F458.

              If I were into cars and had the money, I think it would be part of the joy of getting my new toy to pay up for a few days of track time with a good trainer.

              But I guess I’m not surprised Mr. “I know more about manufacturing than literally anybody else” would be pretentious enough to just wing it and fuck it up gloriously.

              • @AngryCommieKender
                39 months ago

                The schools are worth the cost. It cost me $1500 for a 3 day course way back in '98. Same racing school is now $2050. I can say I gained a lot more control of my car after that.

                • @ours
                  29 months ago

                  That sounds reasonable and fun. Compared to the cost of a McLaren F1, it’s peanuts.

    • @set_secret
      249 months ago

      The number of lies that came out of that Muppets mouth during that cringy piece was remarkable. My fav had to be ‘just three years ago i was sleeping on the floor on the YMCA hostel’. what an absolute fucking donkey of a human.

      • @owenfromcanada
        59 months ago

        Calling him that is an insult to Muppets everywhere. You gotta know Gonzo would make a way better CEO.

    • @vind
      209 months ago

      I think I read somewhere he’s hopped up on ket every day (but someone correct me if wrong)

      • @[email protected]
        9 months ago

        You don’t get hopped up on Ketamine, that’s for the comedown.

        You get stimmed up on amphetamines, and then take the edge off with downers.

        The way he’s slurring his words, I’d guess benzodiazapines (Xanax, Valium, etc.)

        But I’m sure he’s taking Ketamine as well, and probably mixing up quite a few daily cocktails with who knows what else.

        His dumbass is probably doing a bunch of RC’s to top it all off.

        • @captainlezbian
          29 months ago

          That sounds brain melting. Like I’m all for amphetamines, they don’t work recreationally on me, but I know a lot of people who realized they had adhd when partying and trying Adderall left them thinking clearly. But benzos, nah I’ll take panic over benzos, those fuckers scare the shit out of me. Benzos will ruin your life if you let them.

      • metaStatic
        99 months ago


  • @rsuri
    589 months ago

    It’s interesting to look back at his AMA on reddit in 2015. Every response was so to the point and on topic, even friendly. Clearly something changed since then.

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      I like John Oliver’s take that he really didn’t like the orders to shut down factories during pandemic and got a lot of support from ‘mah freedom’ nutjobs over this causing not-so-slow fall into the extreme right rabbit hole. It actually makes a lot of sense. He clearly craves attention and approval. He used to get it from the left because electric cars are green and SpaceX is cool technology but eventually the left began demanding more regulation and he started getting some criticism (which he doesn’t like that much…). At the same time he noticed that the right is ready to accept him as the ‘free speech savior’ and love him unconditionally as long as he will help them ‘own the libs’ so he switched sides.

    • @butterflyattack
      529 months ago

      I am guessing he had good publicists, probably decided he could do the job better and got rid of them just before the pedo thing.

      • @dustyData
        79 months ago

        Pretty much. After fucking up PayPal and getting kicked out for being an insufferable POS, he hired a PR firm who constructed the real life Tony Stark image for him on the public. Writing and getting press around his person. They also unfortunately had to tell him to not say or do certain stuff that would damage his image, there’s nothing a narcissist hates more than being told no. They also allowed him to position Tesla as the futuristic libertarian ideal and the overpriced manufacturers they are now, and SpaceX as the renaissance of US space exploration. In my opinion not entirely undeserved perceptions but immensely amplified by a marketing machinery. Then he had a meltdown, fired every single PR, marketing person from every single one of his companies. Declared himself the only marketing that his companies needed. He essentially bought into the crap that his own PR wrote for him.

      • Billiam
        69 months ago

        In his recent “interview” with Alex Jones, Musk called all PR firms “propagandists.”. So that tracks.

    • @skyspydude1
      189 months ago

      I can tell you that nothing has changed about him. I personally know people who worked with him at that time, and he was just as much an arrogant and insufferable egoist as he is now. Legendary screaming matches and him talking completely out of his ass about absolutely everything were the norm and expected in every meeting.

      Do any research on his tenure at Zip2/PayPal or any relationship he’s ever had, and you’ll see Musk has always been a petulant child, he just had a lot of people around him to try and hide it, but it seems like he’s scared basically all of them away.

    • @nutsack
      49 months ago

      his political situation was completely different

  • @SlurpDaddySlushy
    549 months ago

    Execs: mental break down isn’t sexy, let’s say he has a drug problem so people can rally for him.

  • nkat2112
    549 months ago

    What about his toxicity and narcissism? Are they also cause for turmoil everywhere he goes?

    • @[email protected]
      209 months ago

      No no, now that he has a drug problem, we’re supposed to pretend he’s not a narcissist, never said anything racist or sexist, and is just a misunderstood entrepreneur.

    • @cley_faye
      109 months ago

      Those were already handled by dedicated people in most places.

    • Optional
      409 months ago

      In 2018, for example, he took multiple tabs of acid at a party he hosted in Los Angeles. The next year he partied on magic mushrooms at an event in Mexico. In 2021, he took ketamine recreationally with his brother, Kimbal Musk, in Miami at a house party during Art Basel. He has taken illegal drugs with current SpaceX and former Tesla board member Steve Jurvetson.

      That seems, uh, well-documented.

      Also, Kimbal? Ok.

      • @xantoxis
        229 months ago

        Taking party drugs at a party is honestly fine with me. Taking party drugs at work is something an asshole would do.

        • @captainlezbian
          29 months ago

          Yeah I’m all for lsd use, shame it didn’t give him the drive to try to be a better person that it gave me

      • @CluckN
        109 months ago

        He seems pretty public about it. I’m wondering how many of these celeb parties have a “no phones” policy.

  • IninewCrow
    199 months ago

    Drug use? … Or he was always just an idiot.

    Just because you’re naturally stupid, it doesn’t always mean you’re on drugs.

    • Granite
      209 months ago

      There’s a high chance of both being the correct answer.

    • @datelmd5sum
      169 months ago

      Most of my friends use the same drugs, but none of them are cunts like Musk.

    • @banneryear1868
      159 months ago

      Drugs are invoked a lot to explain and justify human behavior to some external factor. It’s like when people say Nazis were on meth as an explaination for their actions, while not applying the same logic to basically every other military using amphetamines.

  • rivermonster
    179 months ago

    It would be awful if he got ahold of too much fentanyl.

  • @cmeu
    99 months ago

    I hope he buys Facebook next

  • Schwim Dandy
    89 months ago

    He’s really working hard to follow closely in the footsteps of his idol, Hitler.