• PugJesusOP
      9 months ago

      Yes, which is what makes it all the weirder than Western MLs still simp for them.

      • Zuberi 👀
        159 months ago

        Why use a communist symbol? Why not use Russia’s actual flag? The entire thread feels like a bad fed joke.

          • @[email protected]
            -49 months ago

            You realize it’s literally using the hammer and sickle and is further contributing to anti-communist and pro-fascist and capitalist sentiment right?

            This is such a braindead post it’s hilarious lmao

            • @[email protected]
              9 months ago

              That’s literally the point. In the phrase, “a wolf in a sheep’s clothing”, we mean that the wolf is using the sheep’s clothing, not that the sheep is a wolf. It’s the same thing nazbols are doing with communism. They aren’t actually communist. They just use communist imagery to spew their nazi bullshit. The nazbol flag is a very fitting one.

              I’d argue nazbols are an even bigger threat to communism than a mere flag, due to the confusion they create in people’s minds. I know where to direct my outrage, but you do you.

        • PugJesusOP
          59 months ago

          … because the point is pointing out that it’s insane that some Western self-proclaimed leftists are supporting an imperialist war, not that it’s insane that Russia and the GOP are both fascist (which anyone with a hint of sense already knew)?

          • Zuberi 👀
            -89 months ago

            Bro, kbin is an actual shit show haha.

            But I see now that you moderate “Ukraine,” so the original picture checks out.

            You (either intentionally to mislead, or ignorantly) must likely think NATO is actually helping in Ukraine instead of fucking up grain-futures for hedge funds (and letting BlackRock “rebuild” when the meat grinder stops).

              • @OtakuAltair
                9 months ago

                Head empty. No thoughts. Must blindly insult anyone who dares not support the US or its allies

                Though ig Ukraine isn’t much of a US ally anymore since they’re moving funding over to Israel’s genocide

              • Zuberi 👀
                -99 months ago

                USA could end your war tomorrow if they wanted to you dork. I’ll have fun watching your country implode on itself mr fed

      • @[email protected]
        49 months ago

        It can also be non-Westerners. I was reading a tankie that seemed to indicate they were from outside the West. I know Serbians hate NATO and its constituting countries with an intense passion…

        • @Telodzrum
          79 months ago

          Yeah, when you stop people from genociding their neighbors they develop a grudge.

      • @WaxedWookie
        39 months ago

        It’s just good old fashioned American diabolism.

        Believe it or not, while there’s many bad things the US is and does, other factions are capable of being and doing worse. Maybe look at a situation on its merits rather than having "America bad“ as your single political principle.

        Fuck socialism if it leads to outcomes like the USSR or DPRK - but that’s the thing it doesn’t have to be, and those definitionally aren’t socialism.

        • Zuberi 👀
          -159 months ago

          You used the word “socialism” when the OP has a commie flag of a dead nation on it. What exactly is the point of the meme? I just don’t get it.

          • @WaxedWookie
            49 months ago

            Tankies are idiots that think the likes of the USSR are socialist/communist, and are definitionally wrong.

            Because of their authoritarian leanings (and myopic focus on American diabolism), tankies frequently agree with other authoritarians like the GOP.

            Russia is an authoritarian, autocratic regime conducting an attempted annexation, and due to their ideological alignment, both tankies and the GOP tend to support this annexation.

            Communism is a form of socialism, but that’s not relevant here, because neither term is applicable to any party under discussion.

            Does that clarify things for you?

            • Cowbee [he/him]
              8 months ago

              I’m not at all involved in this convo, nor am I a tankie, but I do think it’s important to recognize that the USSR was in fact Socialist, even if it had numerous flaws. It’s useful for both MLs and non-MLs to learn from, I personally am not an ML and would not want to recreate the USSR, but I do form part of my views on what I want from a future Socialist society based on what happened with the USSR.

              As an example, I don’t think the structure of a Soviet Republic is sound in and of itself, as it disregards the masses the farther up the chain you go. I’m more in favor of a more decentralized approach.

              • @WaxedWookie
                38 months ago

                Yeah - that’s fair, and a mistake on my part - they were socialist, but not communist (lack of worker enfranchisement among other gaps).

                I think the main issue with the USSR (and probably the majority of “communist” countries) was the failure to put in the pre-work. Without levelling the economic imbalances and setting up a strong welfare state ahead of time, they created imbalanced economic conditions, which were functionally imbalances in political power that led to a collapse into an authoritarian oligarchy - exacerbated by the challenge of trying to retool the economy overnight to keep people fed.

                Plenty to learn from, not much to emulate.

              • Zuberi 👀
                9 months ago

                because neither term is applicable to any party under discussion. Yet both of you keep using both terms throughout this post.

                YOU are the ones conflating the 2, and somehow even might believe Russia isn’t the 2nd most popular Capitalist hellscape for war crimes.

                • Do I want them to take Ukraine? Nah.

                • Does the United States/NATO actually care if Ukraine loses? Nah

                Ask the 80k USA troops on China’s border if they’ve even heard of Ukraine ;)

                • @WaxedWookie
                  59 months ago

                  because neither term is applicable to any party under discussion. Yet both of you keep using both terms throughout this post.

                  Why are you misquoting me in response to someone else? Please by all means point to the communism (or socialism for that matter) here. It’s certainly not coming from the tankies, nazbols or USSR in anything other than name.

                  YOU are the ones conflating the 2

                  One is a subset of the other, and both are equally irrelevant unless you’ve pointed to the communism/socialism as requested.

                  YOU (…) somehow even might believe Russia isn’t the 2nd most popular Capitalist hellscape for war crimes.

                  Of what relevance is this beyond confirming my point about American diabolism?

                • PugJesusOP
                  29 months ago

                  Ask the 80k USA troops on China’s border if they’ve even heard of Ukraine ;)


          • @[email protected]
            39 months ago

            You do. Fake leftists (aka nazbols) are fighting the Russian propaganda war on Lemmy, siding with the overt fascists.

              • Zuberi 👀
                19 months ago

                To follow up on that, Russia isn’t even a socialist nation.

                What are you even talking about? WHERE did socialism come from?

                Where am I “siding” with Russia by asking questions about the USSR? @[email protected]

                • @[email protected]
                  9 months ago

                  Nobody mentioned socialism or the USSR. You did. The flag on the bottom is not even a USSR flag, and the USSR didn’t have an exclusive trademark on the hammer and the sickle. This is a nazi flag with the swastika replaced with the hammer and the sickle, acting as a symbol of the nazbol’s dupery.

                  The meme is saying that the Lemmy nazbols, using communist imagery, are allies of the US Christofascists of the Republican Party when they glorify Putin’s crimes. The meme could have been better without mentioning the US right, tbh, but the point that nazbols are allies of a fascist regime that is perpetrating crimes no leftist worthy of the name should endorse is valid.

                  But you’re being dense on purpose, aren’t you? You knew all that. Or did you not read the post’s text?

  • @[email protected]
    359 months ago

    This one struck some nerves lmao. I don’t expect much from the people who think the full strength of NATO is fighting in Ukraine. Poland alone would march to Moscow in a month

    • @rdri
      109 months ago

      Well after 2 years of such stupid losses, any army would do that in a week. Proved by prigozhin.

      • Rikudou_Sage
        159 months ago

        I don’t think there are many countries that hate Russians more than the countries formerly occupied by them. And Poland is the most well-known of them internationally.

        • Shurimal
          139 months ago

          Not a pole, but from the neighborhood and can confirm. And by “formerly occupied” we don’t mean just Soviet Union. Russia’s imperialist shit has been going on for literally centuries.

      • @Sylvartas
        139 months ago

        Biggest army in western Europe. Also they hate Russian imperialism with a passion if I’m not mistaken

  • @[email protected]
    48 months ago

    Republicans are fighting in Ukraine? Defending against the Russians, who, in this meme appear to be implied as the invading orcs?

    Kind of an odd take. Meme doesn’t really make much sense. Wouldn’t Theoden and Grima have been a better LotR meme template?

  • Zuberi 👀
    29 months ago

    Wtf is USSR in here for?

    Meme from the cold war?

    Implying that Russia are commies? Please tell me it isn’t this one.

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      You made 3 comments about how the flag of the USSR is in this meme. But it… isn’t. I suggest you look up how it actually looks like.

      • Zuberi 👀
        -129 months ago

        This entire thread is a dumpster fire, enjoy your MLK day buddy-boy ;)

          • Zuberi 👀
            -49 months ago

            So what does OPs picture mean to you then? Could you explain it frame/by/frame for me?

            It’s not the USSR? Who tf is this referencing?

            • PugJesusOP
              49 months ago

              Top frame - Soviet iconography represents MLs and like tankies who glorify the USSR.

              Middle frame - Elephant represents the Republican Party and like fascists who bootlick for Putin’s imperialist war.

              Bottom frame - Nazbol flag represents tankies going mask off and embracing the fact that they’re fascists painted red.

    • PugJesusOP
      69 months ago

      Nah, implying that MLs and like authoritarian ‘leftists’ are aligned with right-wing fascists in supporting the invasion and genocide in Ukraine.

        • PugJesusOP
          19 months ago

          Because Russia isn’t ML or even nominally leftist? And this meme is addressing self-proclaimed leftists who bootlick for genocide and imperialism?

          • Zuberi 👀
            29 months ago

            Bro, kbin is an actual shit show haha.

            But I see now that you moderate “Ukraine,” so the original picture checks out.

            You (either intentionally to mislead, or ignorantly) must likely think NATO is actually helping in Ukraine instead of fucking up grain-futures for hedge funds (and letting BlackRock “rebuild” when the meat grinder stops).

    • @LesserAbe
      149 months ago

      It’s almost like there are more than two dimensions of political thought

    • Shurimal
      129 months ago

      Horseshoe theory is hogwash.

      Even in Soviet Russia there were communist factions who disagreed with Stalin and his (expendable) cronies. See: the 4th International. These factions, of course, were purged and deleted from history as “revisionists” and “counter-revolutionary”.

      Not to mention anarchists, who are far on the left and generally agree with Marxist theory (Marx’s vision of “stateless, classless” society is principally anarchist), but can’t and won’t agree with authoritarianism, be it stalinist, fascist or of any other flavor.

    • PugJesusOP
      119 months ago

      I mean, to Nazbols, probably not. To everyone else, yes.

    • Zuberi 👀
      -19 months ago

      I also don’t understand the point of the picture. The USSR isn’t even around any more.

      Is the context w/ Cold War Republicans?