I’ll give this release a proper-er title in the release post. This post is just to track the random stuff I did during the business trip. I’ll work on more stuff for Summit once I’m home.

Changes so far:

  • Fixed a bug where switching communities may not apply your preferred settings. Eg. sort order.
  • Added a new screenshot mode: Title and image only. This one is great if the title and image already tell the full story and the body of the post isn’t necessary. Eg. when a post has a text description for accessibility but you’re already giving all that up anyways since you’re saving it as an image.
  • Added the option to browse as “guest”. This allows you to browse instances outside of the instance of your account without needing an account on the other instance.
  • Added some fancy logic to the post creator/editor screen. The post body formatting toolbar will now detect if the keyboard is open and switch between being docked to the bottom of the screen or being docked below the post text field. Preview here.
  • Fixed a bug where not all elements will be visible in the account switcher dialog if the user is signed into too many accounts.
  • Added a settings button to the rich text field toolbar. This allows users to change the order of the options in the rich text field toolbar.