The unprecedented executive order is the most significant step any U.S. administration has ever taken in response to violence by Israeli settlers against Palestinian civilians in the West Bank.

  • @givesomefucks
    8 months ago

    Gotta say it’s a lot more than I thought would be done.

    Article say four settlers were being sanctioned, and I doubt it matters to them…

    But if Biden really goes through with sanctioning Israeli officials like the Finance Minister quoted in the article and especially Netanyahu, then I will literally, sincerely, and completely unironically stand up and clap.

    Doing even a little of the right thing is going to be what helps beat trump in November

    • @DoYouNot
      68 months ago

      It’s almost nothing. But it’s not nothing. I’ll take it. Hopefully a sign of more to come. Now, the US needs to get their thumb out of their ass and stop blocking UNSC resolutions so the world and diplomacy can actually do something (with ~43 resolutions vetoed by the US so far)…

    • Omega
      98 months ago

      Vocally denouncing something tied to Israel is kind of a big deal. The fact of the matter us that he’s opening himself up to a lot of criticism by taking a hard stance on this.

      • @jordanlund
        08 months ago

        He’s going to argue he’s taking a hard stance, but in the end, the US will continue to stand with Israel because of all the donations both parties need and all the support from doomsday evangelicals.

  • @mlg
    08 months ago

    Haha remember when Modi was sanctioned for his involvement in the Gujrat Massacre and then those sanctions magically dropped when he became PM