Armus made me think of it. Blame him.

  • teft
    98 months ago

    We doing smiling enemies of The Sisko?

    • gregorum
      8 months ago

      Cal was never Sisko’s enemy. Sisko was just disappointed in him.

      Disappointed in the way your mom is disappointed in something you’ve done that, privately, makes you cry a little.

      They were never enemies. Ben saved his uniform, hoping he’d come to his senses. But Cal said, “no. never,” and vaporized it. Ben wasn’t mad. He was sad.

      Not long after, his buddy Cal died in a Maquis raid. Ben was very sad about that.


        • @ummthatguyOP
          8 months ago

          Edit: had to ditch the gif. It was acting hyper on Connect.

  • gregorum
    8 months ago

    Now show Winn Adami’s face after she finds out she was fucking Dukat the whole time.

    Then show Sobor’s smug, self-satisfied face. Lol

    edit: oh, you folx really came through!

      • gregorum
        8 months ago


        Backstabbingly good!

        edit: ok, this one is the best, because it’s the one time in the whole show where you really see Winn with the WTF face. she’s been betrayed I way she’s never thought possible. this is her SHOOK face. it’s a half-second later she shouts - with a quiver of incredulity in her voice - “NO!”

        but you can tell she already knows it’s true.

        honestly, even when I rewatch this…. I feel a little badly for her. because I’m not a fucking psycho, I feel terribly for any woman who is manipulated like this by a man, but especially by Dukat. I mean, Winn Adami is a horrible person, but nobody deserves what he did to her, and especially nobody deserves to have it done to them by their planet’s version of Interplanetary SuperHitler. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

        Still… at the end of the day (end the episode and the series…), when it comes down to it, she had a lot of bad karma coming to her. And, when the moment came, she got hers. Even after trying to get a last-minute redemption - which she did by calling out, “Emissary! THE BOOK!” what she earned was a quick and satisfying-for-the-viewers death:

        and exactly how do you tastefully immolate one of the most powerful women on the show? a controversial religious leader, ahem?

        make an even meaner villain do it and keep it under 5 seconds, apparently, then make sure to cut away to an even more high-stakes battle of ultimate good vs evil battle for the fate of the galaxy. for further evidence Ronald D. Moore knows what he’s doing, I present Battlestar Galactica (2004)