• @FrowingFostek
    478 months ago

    Too soon, the reductionist take isn’t going to be funny if trump gets to do a fascism.

    • @RedditWanderer
      338 months ago

      People keep making these memes and telling people not to vote like there isn’t a fucking maniac with a much worse plan for the U.S than anything Biden could ever do.

      We should keep voting-in democrats and force them to present younger candidates. Letting Trump win is definitely not going to get you what you want, and the democrats aren’t “learning” anything when you don’t vote.

      People need to protest after electing these idiots. There has to be a name for how tame America is at protesting things like healthcare and corruption, while instead fighting each other of BLM and other acronyms.

      • Sybil
        38 months ago

        no one is saying don’t vote

      • @Altofaltception
        -48 months ago

        democrats aren’t “learning” anything when you don’t vote.

        The Democrats will learn that people will vote them in regardless of whether they run a wet sock of a candidate or a true progressive because the alternative is worse.

        • @TheGrandNagus
          78 months ago

          Nah. If they don’t vote, Democrats will think “oh, that demographic doesn’t vote. They can be ignored, like the youth” and would drift further right in order to attract votes from people who actually vote.

      • @[email protected]
        -78 months ago

        Yeah, voting en masse for the shit they put up every four years is definitely gonna “force them to present younger candidates.”

        Nah I think making them realize they’ll never win unless they ACTUALLY move left is probably more effective a strategy

        • @RedditWanderer
          48 months ago

          So their too dumb to inact good policies and you think you’ll “make them realize”. Ypi won’t have a democracy left. You force them by protesting while in office, not by whining from your keyboard.

        • Icalasari
          28 months ago

          Big issue is that right now, if the GoP wins, they are going to do everything in their power to make any election always go their way

          Really the proper solution is guillotines, but that’s a bit hard in this day and age, leaving, “Democrats until the GoP is no longer a fascist dictatorial danger” as the only realistic solution

          Which the Dems know and is why they won’t move left - Because they KNOW that, for now, the option is “A beating or getting your limbs gnawed off by a rat”

      • @return2ozmaOP
        -148 months ago

        The Vote Blue No Matter Who crowd was very vocal about “Just get Biden elected and then we’ll help push him Left”. Then we got Biden into the White House and the pushing him Left went silent.

        • SuperDuper
          118 months ago

          And the MAGA crowd is very vocal about “just get Trump into the white house, by election or by force, and then we’ll help him replace democracy with a fascist dictatorship.” Then they got Trump into the White House and once his term ended they attempted a fucking coup to prevent the peaceful transition of power.

          But hey, I guess that’s preferable to a boring, run of the mill president who isn’t quite as left as I’d prefer???

          • ???
            8 months ago

            run of the mill president

            not as quite left as I’d prefer

          • @return2ozmaOP
            -118 months ago

            Better get off Lemmy then and start canvassing and calling people threatening them to vote for Biden or else.

            • mozz
              28 months ago

              Earlier in this thread you defended yourself by saying you were “actually telling the truth.”

              This person isn’t “threatening” anything. They are simply stating the reality, the truth.

      • @return2ozmaOP
        -228 months ago

        I’ve been adding to this meme since the 3rd mugshot. It’s still humorous in a dystopian way.

    • @Clent
      178 months ago

      That is the point of these. There is a high chance these posters are foreign propaganda.

      It’s interesting how there is no philosophical difference between certain foreign nations and the American right. They are both threatened by American democracy.

      • ???
        -18 months ago

        Ah yes god forbid people want to say “my vote is worth something, you can’t use it for genocide”.

      • @return2ozmaOP
        -108 months ago

        This same “they’re Russian!” or “it’s a Republican!” line has been used since the 2016 election on me on Reddit. Nothing new and I roll my eyes every time. You’re not allowed to criticize a Republican-lite Dem without being accused of being Russian. I’m actually a leftist gay man in the Los Angeles area but ok…

        • lgstarn
          28 months ago

          If you are living in California (DOUBT), then you have room to be an idiot with your vote since it’s not going to go R unless the world is ending anyway. But if you are a Angeleno (DOUBT - what’s your favorite donut shop??) then keep your nonsense contained within that state for the rest of us please and thank you.

          • @return2ozmaOP
            -88 months ago

            Born and raised in California. I’m in Long Beach and donut shop is Simone’s. Next question?

            • lgstarn
              18 months ago

              Simone’s is good enough for me that I’ll just ask you to keep your counterproductive-to-reality narrative to California. Long Beach is a long, long way from the rest of the country. If you manage to convince 10 or 100 people in California to have a protest vote it will probably be fine, but if we end up with Trump because you convinced even one person in a purple state to stay home, I will come to Simone’s and bitch you out endlessly.

              • @return2ozmaOP
                -18 months ago

                Don’t blame the voters blame the candidate for not building enough trust with the voters.

        • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
          18 months ago

          Yeah, there’s absolutely no reason for anyone to be upset and if they say so they’re Russkies. /s

  • @paddirn
    8 months ago

    3 out of 5 of these elections had Donald Trump as the opposing candidate, there was no other candidate worth voting for given the stakes at play, that’s just a consequence of how our system has been structured. I’d love to vote 3rd party (and have in the past), but if it helps throw the presidency to the opposition, then that doesn’t really help anything.

    If you really want to get 3rd party candidates in, start at the local level and build them from the ground up.

    • @MrVilliam
      178 months ago

      And vote in every election! Your apathy is their goal. They don’t outnumber us, so they want people to be too disenchanted, overwhelmed, confused, and scared to try to vote against them in high enough numbers. Shitty memes like this one help that cause. Without labels, progressive policies typically get 60-80% support in polls.

    • I just want to know why the fuck 3rd party candidates are never at the major public debates. Everyone who is going to be on the ballot should get some time to speak on a big national stage like that.

  • @JeeBaiChow
    88 months ago

    And somehow trump is worse than all of them combined. Go figure.

  • Kairos
    38 months ago

    Reminder that if everyone in the next election votes Democrat we’d have way more liberal candidates in the one following it.

  • ???
    18 months ago

    Ah yes, the time when Americans lose any pressure or influence they may have on the actions of their president… because “Trump is badder”.

    What a low bar.

  • Dieinahole
    18 months ago

    Whoa whoa whoa whoa

    I though we were all voting for Taylor Swift this time?

  • theodewere
    8 months ago

    proud to vote for Hillary and Joe… we’re lucky they offered to serve…

    the only clowns are the ones who don’t realize it

  • Dieinahole
    -18 months ago

    Whoa whoa whoa whoa

    I though we were all voting for Taylor Swift this time?