For all Mankind Apple tv 2020

In 1969 the soviet union landed a spacecraft on the moon beating the US. Alexei Leonvo becomes the first man to step foot on the moon. Wernher Von Braun is moved off the program after admitting he thinks NASA could have landed a few months earlier. He is later removed as deputy director of planning after being exposed with his past connections to the Nazis.Apollo 11 still takes place but crash lands onto the moon. Both Armstrong and Aldrin are thought to be killed but survived the crash. The crew of Apollo 11 manages to return to earth. After this the Soviet Union lands the first woman on the moon forcing NASA to train female and minority astronauts which it avoided at first. By October 12th 1973 NASA established Jamestown as the first moon base. Later events include Multiple bases on the moon, A man on mars by 1995 and later a base on mars. However the race causes many more risks to be made resulting in several astronauts and cosmonauts to be killed in space. US marines and Armed cosmonauts have a firefight on the moon brining earth the brink of nuclear war but mange to lower tensions at the last second.

Point of divergence Sergei Korolve survives his operation and helps the soviet space program. The pressure to keep the space program leads to many advancements in science making the world of For All Mankind leagues ahead of ours even today.