I run proprietary Nvidia drivers as well and Wayland runs so much better than Xorg now that I’m permanently coming over to Wayland. I’m extremely happy rn with Wayland

  • @bulwark
    557 months ago

    Not gonna lie, I specifically bought an AMD GPU laptop so I could run a Wayland WM. After trying and failing with my old nvidia optane razor laptop I gave up on Nvidia. I still use it on my desktop tho. It’s so much smoother than X-11.

    • rzlatic
      107 months ago

      same here. few years ago ditched the nvidia card for amd and made my life rasier. wayland on fedora all the way, no issues. but i guess i’m completely different type of user.

    • Pasta Dental
      7 months ago

      It should be noted that for some reason, people in Linux communities seem to never watch hardware accelerated video content, because AMD 6000 and 7000 have HUGE issues regarding video decoding on Linux, Im talking full system crash or full system freezes after 30 minutes of watching videos on youtube (and thats without mentionning the video freezing for a few seconds with the audio still going, and then catching up, and refreezing a few seconds later). It caused me to install Chrome which does not have hardware acceleration yet to watch youtube if I wanted to have an uptime of more than 1.5 days.

      These issues have only been reported on AMD’s iGPUs though, so I think dedicated graphics cards should be fine. But anyways, for this reason alone, I would just recommend Intel chips for most users, especially now with the new Intel Gen 1 Ultra or whatever its called, the GPU is basically on-par with AMD and the CPU is very close as well.

      • @ruabmbua
        187 months ago

        Hm weird. Running 6000 series igpu with hw decoding on, no issues.

        On desktop 7000 series dGpu, also no issues.

        There were some Frame drops in the past, but current kernel + Mesa has no issues for me.

        • Pasta Dental
          37 months ago

          I am monitoring this issue mainly, and I saw recently they seemed to have a fix, but I am not really interested in patching my drivers because its my daily driver computer

          • Kevin
            27 months ago

            From what I understand, the updated firmware image has passed all the tests and will be included in an upcoming release. My system has been rock solid for a few weeks now with it running, but if you aren’t up to dropping the blob in yourself it sounds like you’ll have it officially soon (assuming you run a distro that keeps those up to date).

      • spez
        57 months ago

        Chromium recently got support for hardware acceleration. Link

      • @[email protected]
        7 months ago

        I had those before. Tought the card was bust somehow, turns out it was driver issues. You do run into quirks here and there, too.

        AMD drivers are much better but are not the utopia some users say they are.

    • Possibly linux
      -37 months ago

      Honestly for laptops I just stick with Intel integrated graphics. If you need more horsepower you can always remote into a home server. (This can be cost effective if you buy used components)

      • Alto
        67 months ago

        Both Intel and AMD iGPUs are starting to get insane, especially AMD. Weren’t not there yet on the laptop front, but the 8600G is perfectly serviceable for 1080p/60fps gaming on the iGPU. Doubley so for any classic esport title.

  • @[email protected]
    257 months ago

    Bought a new AMD GPU to run Wayland. Here’s to NVIDIA getting their shit together or, more likely, going bankrupt.

    • lemmyvore
      347 months ago

      That’s hilarious. 😄 Linux users dropping Nvidia en-masse would be like a half a percent blip on their desktop market share. Probably couldn’t even tell if it’s a rounding error.

      This is a company that’s speculated to drop the desktop consumer market altogether at some point. They make so much money from other industries it’s obscene. I suspect they only keep the gaming and desktop crowd around for the drama and the publicity. They don’t really give a shit anymore.

      Which would be sad in a way because Linux gaming was built on Nvidia. For the longest time it was the one manufacturer you could count on to be there and deliver decent, accelerated Linux drivers consistently.

      • andrew
        37 months ago

        Well to be fair, most AI workloads are on Linux and that’s a huge fraction of their sales. But desktop Linux, yeah, not going to notice at all.

        • lemmyvore
          27 months ago

          I suspect that’s the main reason they’ve bothered supporting the desktop Linux crowd, we act as free testers for their more lucrative Linux-based deals.

          Let’s say there’s half a million Nvidia Linux desktop users, that’s super few if you think of them as desktop customers, but they’re worth gold as free QA people.

    • Pyro
      137 months ago

      Consider all the gamers with more money than sense buying 4090s for the price of cars and, more importantly, many companies buying datacenter cards for their next generative AI project (not that I think many of them will last).

      I don’t see Nvidia running out of money any time soon.

  • @JustUseMint
    237 months ago

    I had nothing but issues running Wayland with Nvidia. How strange.

    • Ooops
      7 months ago

      That’s because the drivers are bullshit but not the problem in general. They work well for some very specific cards, not at all for other and in general it’s just random hit or miss.

      And then, to make it more fun, not all wayland compositors are born equal either.

      • @[email protected]
        47 months ago

        Any recommendations? Or knowledge of which cards work best with it? I’m thinking on trying it out again, never tried it on my 3070

        • @[email protected]
          37 months ago

          Not to be flippant about it, but I just recommend trying it and seeing how it works for you. You can have both Xorg and Wayland installed, you just change out which one you’re using at the login window

          • @[email protected]
            37 months ago

            Thanks! I may be capable but not necessarily knowledgeable, I had no idea that was an option lol

        • @JustUseMint
          27 months ago

          Oh and I used a 3070 with nobara and had tons of issues. I had less with pop os

        • @JustUseMint
          27 months ago

          The best decision I made was buying an amd card. Drivers are baked into the kernel didn’t have to install shit. Works flawlessly

      • @[email protected]
        17 months ago

        I thought they’d use the same code as windows to interface the card and the issue was with exposing that in a linux-compatible way?

  • @jj4211
    137 months ago

    I keep trying Wayland and an in the middle of an attempt. I use fedora maniacally updated, Nvidia, and plasma shell. I’m about to abort again:

    -even configured to directly use Wayland, I see chrome based browsers glitch out on occasion, and when it starts glitching it just keeps on glitching

    -plasma panel stops updating multiple times a day, staying frozen including the clock

    -sometimes kwin starts, but plasmashell has to run manually, and per above has to be restarted on occasion

    -occasionally it just forgets what the monitor resolution is supposed to be and reverts to 1024x768

    -the blur translucency effect glitches around mouse cursor

    -immersedvr doesn’t support Wayland

    On the flip side, xorg problems are: -occasionally kwin can’t grab keyboard for some effects until restarted. This is a well documented bug butt other than it being xorg specific, doesn’t seem to be figured out.

    -some things tear in ugly ways, but not nearly as bad as the chrome glitch under Wayland.

    Maybe kwin isn’t a great Wayland compositor, maybe Nvidia drivers are still not up to snuff. Ultimately, it’s not viable for me. Further kwin is a huge factor for “why Linux desktop” for me, gnome shell is more limited even than Windows for my workflows.

    • bitwolf
      37 months ago

      I had those same issues on my 3080. I switched to AMD and Kwin works great on Wayland.

      I wonder. Does KWin still use the old workaround for Nvidia?

      I remember gnome refusing to bend to Nvidia over eglstreams.

      If Kwin is still using that workaround, even now after Nvidia conceded, maybe that is the problem.

    • @merthyr1831
      17 months ago

      Definitely think NVidia has got some ways to go on improving Wayland drivers. AMD has its share of issues but they’re a lot less obtrusive than what you’re describing

  • @merthyr1831
    117 months ago

    my ONLY gripe with wayland rn is the lack of global hotkey support, which currently breaks Discord/other’s “push to talk” feature unless you install a webserver to control your mic via your compositor’s hotkey system and HTML requests 😭

    I suppose push to talk can and should be owned by the desktop and not any particular app, but Id like an interim protocol until then

    • bash.sh
      7 months ago

      global discord hotkeys work for me on sway and hyprland for the most part

      • @merthyr1831
        17 months ago

        They must implement their own workaround/protocol for this. On KDE 5 it’s still missing. Hopefully they have something cookin for KDE 6 but since it wouldnt be standards-compliant there’s no guarantee

  • @mlg
    117 months ago

    Have fun with your 10% FPS drop, undocumented glitches, and zero support for 45 degree tilted monitors lol

    • @Crashumbc
      57 months ago

      45 degree tilted monitors lol

      WTH? That’s a “thing” who or why would you even do that?

          • @[email protected]
            27 months ago

            So this here I think is the best monitor orientation for software development. It provides the longest line lengths and no longer need to worry about that pesky 80 column limit.

            ultra wide monitor

            I’m scared

        • @[email protected]
          7 months ago

          Somewhere in Xorg, there exists a patch that fixes vertical sync so that glxgears could be displayed by printing out every individual frame. And honestly, that’s one of the main reasons to love linux ecosystem - because things are not done out of necessity, it facilitates the development of most flexible software with least assumptions and most freedom in how you can use it.

  • @Reygle
    107 months ago

    Yeah Wayland rules- problem for me is I’m hopelessly addicted to Synergy for mouse and keyboard sharing, and it doesn’t work on Wayland yet>< I’m 100% team red and my fancy new display won’t do 4k@144hz on X11 so that’s frustrating. 144 and no Synergy or 1440p 144hz and Synergy

    • @bnason
      77 months ago

      Try rkvm. It even works outside of X/Wayland. The only downside is the lack of copy/paste which I’m still trying to find a solution to.

      • @Reygle
        17 months ago

        Quite interesting- found it on github, so switching appears to be keybound with rkvm, huh?

        • @bnason
          17 months ago

          Yep, I use the key bind, Ctrl+Alt+s, to switch and I can use my mouse and keyboard on the other computer.

          • @Reygle
            17 months ago

            Alot less convenient than synergy but do-able. I may take the time to try to understand it in the future, appreciente the info.
            I tweeted @synergy and they say a wayland-compatible version is due later this year, so there’s a good chance I’ll just wait and be lazy.

    • Kevin
      37 months ago

      Input Leap is a Synergy fork with mostly working compatibility for Gnome Wayland, and Waynergy works well as a client on sway (and possibly kde?)

  • Slyme
    107 months ago

    I’ve been using NVIDIA under Wayland for a few months now and it’s been… alright? No major issues on v535 (however v545 is buggy as hell for me, Minecraft would show a black screen whenever too many pixels were updated – needless to say, I downgraded).

    However, I’d still love to swap to an AMD GPU because of better Linux support, maybe keep my current GPU for passthrough.

    • @merthyr1831
      37 months ago

      545 had a regression with VRR causing black screens apparently. 550 beta supposedly fixes it

      • @porl
        17 months ago

        Glad to hear that. I downgraded for the same reason so it will be nice not to have to pin old driver versions in future if it works.

      • Slyme
        17 months ago

        Tried 550, didn’t fix anything. The game window still blinks black.

  • @[email protected]
    97 months ago

    I use i3 and kde on void with an amd gpu, i tried kde wayland and sway (and i check on them every few weeks), but I’ve found them to be buggy and sway in particular to be very difficult. I honestly have no idea why it’s been like this for me, i look forward to the day wayland is truly as good as x11

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      KDE/Wayland has become stable for me with AMDGPU only in the last 6 months or so. They seemed to have had a lot of trouble on that.

      Sway always worked for me, though.

    • mckean
      47 months ago

      For me the switch was simple the only issue I do encounter from time to time is lockscreen related. What’s not working for you?

      • @[email protected]
        17 months ago

        Prolly the biggest thing is sometimes when i launch sway dmenu completely fails to work, and then on kde there’s little bugs that show up, one that comes to mind is the bar at the top of windows that has the max min and close buttons rendered completely transparent

        • mckean
          17 months ago

          Maybe you’d have better luck with rofi… There’s also wofi. can’t say much about the kde issues though.

      • @[email protected]
        27 months ago

        Seems nice. Have you tried different types, like native, proton, older proton versions, lutris etc?

        • ⸻ Ban DHMO 🇦🇺 ⸻
          7 months ago

          Not who you were talking to buy also have an 3050 Mobile.

          Runs things like Dolphin, Age Of Empires 2, 3 (definitive edition) and 4 great (had to hide igpu from aoe 4 because it thought it had 16gb vram). Never run them under X11 because I like the trackpad gestures in GNOME, but also have never had to.

          However, it should be noted that the NVIDIA card isn’t really interacting with Wayland as desktop rendering is handled by the igpu in hybrid laptops (unless explicitly set). On my PC with a Quadro M2000 on driver 545 there is alot of flickering in Xwayland apps on Wayland so I use X11 there. Someone from NVIDIA actually submitted something to fix th flickering but it hasn’t been incorporated yet, don’t know if it ever will. NVIDIA should just fix it in their drivers (which hopefully 550 does).

  • branch
    77 months ago

    I’m just salty that I have bugs and other folk don’t. I’ll regret my username choice in the future for sure but for now, I’m just going to stubbornly stick by it until NVIDIA makes better drivers

  • haui
    77 months ago

    I‘m running kde on debian stable. I‘ll let you know when my branch is ready. Until then its X11 all the way. Wayland wont even let me log in.

    • @[email protected]
      107 months ago

      Might be waiting a while if you’re on Debian. But should be pretty nice once it’s working.

      • haui
        27 months ago

        No biggie. Thanks for pointing it out. :)

      • haui
        27 months ago

        Not at my pc atm. I‘ll try to remember to look it up when I‘m home.

        • @[email protected]
          17 months ago

          Ok thats not that new, I think Fedora is on 5.27.10 and its pretty perfect. I know many bugs that will only be fixed in Plasma 6 5 though (which is probably more stable than 5.27 as its to much tested).

          Excited for Fedora 40!

                • @[email protected]
                  27 months ago

                  It lacks fractional scaling which is totally ironic because their gestures mainly make sense on modern touchpads, which are only on laptops. These laptops mostly have 14in HiDPI displays and you need 125% scaling for them, but in GNOME this doesnt exist at all and if you force enable it its blurry.

                  And something else like dynamic refresh rates, tearing or something that I never noticed.

  • @[email protected]
    77 months ago

    I used to use Xpra a lot, to run services in remote containers/VMs. I’ve recently replaced all of that with waypipe. It’s not quite the same as waypipe does not offer offline buffering like Xpra, but damn is it smooth and seamless!

    • @[email protected]OP
      37 months ago

      I was in shock at how smooth everything was like these madlads made something amazing that’s less bloated than Xorg. Props to the devs!

  • Pasta Dental
    67 months ago

    I waited for so long to buy an external trackpad for my desktop, Wayland on Nvidia is basically what was preventing me from getting it. After about a month or two of stability testing, it’s really great now, so since yesterday I can finally enjoy all the GNOME gestures that I enjoyed for so long on my laptop on my desktop as well!!

      • Pasta Dental
        17 months ago

        mesa, fedora 39, its been doing this since fedora 36 or 37 whenever I got the laptop a year ago. I didnt try since a few months, but I didnt see any changeglogs mentionning it so I guess its not been adressed (especially since the issue is still open on the amdgpu gitlab)