New Trades Union Congress (TUC) analysis reveals Women’s Pay Day – the day when the average woman stops working for free compared to the average man – is today, Wednesday 21 February. In some industries and in some parts of the country where the gender pay gap is wider, women effectively work for free for even longer

Women’s Pay Day: 52 days of working for free

New TUC analysis published on 21 February reveals that the average woman effectively works for free for nearly two months of the year compared to the average man. This is because the gender pay gap for all employees currently stands at 14.3%.

This pay gap means that working women must wait 52 days – nearly two months – before they stop working for free on Women’s Pay Day today.

And the analysis also shows that at current rates of progress, it will take 20 years – until 2044 – to close the gender pay gap.

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  • @EfreetSK
    417 months ago

    Wasn’t gender pay gap basically explained when we consider all the factors like motherhood and weekly hours worked?

    • Onii-Chan
      7 months ago

      Yes. People keep spreading the myth that Jack and Jane in the same job working the same hours at the same company during the same year earn $1 and 70c respectively. Even the government sources used to back up their arguments state that the pay gap is as a result of an overall snapshot of the workforce, taking into account a huge multitude of factors.

      Not paying men and women the same amount for the same job is very, very illegal, at least here in Australia.

      • @Rachelhazideas
        207 months ago

        That absolutely doesn’t take into account of women being promoted less often and thus making less money while being over-qualified for their position.

      • livus
        97 months ago

        If those were the only factors I’d expect to see a pay gap that’s roughly the same size across the developed world. But that’s not the case.

      • 520
        -27 months ago

        People keep spreading the myth that Jack and Jane in the same job working the same hours at the same company during the same year earn $1 and 70c respectively

        Sometimes that is what happens though.

        • @TBi
          47 months ago

          And in some companies Jane earns more than Jack. Should Jack be given a pay raise? Are there other factors involved?

          • 520
            67 months ago

            Your own article states that Google has problems assigning women to appropriate pay bands, assigning women to lower pay bands despite having similar qualifications to their male counterparts.

    • @[email protected]
      267 months ago

      Yes. The 2023 Nobel Prize in Economics was given to Claudia Goldin for her research into the gender pay gap. Here’s a great breakdown of her research and findings. The tl;dw is that in every country men have an employment rate higher than women. The worldwide average is 80% for men and 50% for women. This is why women make less than men. There are a variety of reasons for that, but the biggest seems to be that women get pregnant and necessarily need to take time off work because of it. Goldin’s suggestion was that women’s employment rates could increase if workplaces allowed for more flexible schedules or work from home.

      • @TBi
        67 months ago

        Great video. I hate the argument that it’s like 70/100 because people can argue it’s wrong. Rather than focus on the actual values 96/100 which can’t be argued.

    • @magiccupcake
      47 months ago

      And why do you think they do that?

      It’s because they’ve been raised in a society that pressures them to do so, and punishes them if they don’t.

      It’s not fair enough to punish women with lower wages because they perform billions of dollars worth of unpaid labor with house and child care.

        • @magiccupcake
          17 months ago

          Sure, but why are women the ones staying with kids the majority of the time. Why don’t men want to?

          • @Feathercrown
            27 months ago

            Not that this would solve the societal issues, but practically paternity leave is rare.

  • Jake Farm
    127 months ago

    I wonder if they take into account hours worked, salary transparency, negotiation, and physical risk.

    • Alto
      187 months ago

      The main thing that endures is women being looked over for promotions and getting raises at a lower rate due to the fear that they’ll be away from the job too long if they decide to have a kid.

      • Turun
        157 months ago

        I’ve read a study based on data from Denmark that showed that this is (at least no longer) the case. Earnings are the same until the woman actually leaves the workforce for 1 or 2 years. This pause in gaining workplace experience is what correlates with reduced income, not the expectation that this will eventually happen.

        • Alto
          17 months ago

          That’s awesome that they’ve managed to cut down on that in Denmark, but that’s unfortunately not the case everywhere. We’re making progress, but the fight is far from over.

    • Sneezycat
      147 months ago

      Oh I guess you don’t get roads, street furniture, healthcare, free education, parks…

      …I mean, if you’re in the USA you probably don’t. But that’s the corpos stealing because they infiltrated your government.

        • @Passerby6497
          97 months ago

          Do you get TWENTY-SIX PERCENT of your paychecks taken out for taxes?

          I think mine is closer to 30 last time I checked.

          And are all of your tax refunds GARNISHED by the IRS??

          Nope, but I’m guessing you fucked up somewhere and have a judgement against you to garnish your returns. Either that or you decided paying taxes wasn’t for you and the IRS made sure you knew who was in charge.

          • @[email protected]
            47 months ago

            Bro probably has his w4 withholdings set to take minimal tax out, but his liabilities are higher - then cries at tax time when he owes money.

          • @LemmyKnowsBest
            17 months ago

            My only fuckup was marrying someone and HE fucked up. Then I divorced him because he’s such a fuckup but the IRS pinned me with the consequences of ex-husband’s fuckups. Aside from his nonsense I’m debt-free.

            • 520
              17 months ago

              That is unfortunately how marriage works. When you get married, your incomes become one shared pot, and if that pot has been seen not paying its way, that pot then gets punished.

        • @[email protected]
          67 months ago

          Bro try 40. And it sucks you’re in the states. My country actually does good things with mine.

        • @Feathercrown
          17 months ago

          Garnished with what? A sprig of rosemary?