[typos preserved]

>be me
>4th grade
>bring 3 sharpners to school
>friend tells me thats a lot of sharpners
>bring 3 more sharpners the next day >friend gives me his sharpner to grow my collection
>start collecting more and more sharpners
>go to stationary every week to by more sharpners
>collect about 70 sharpners by the end of the month
>start bringing a tiny bag to carry thoes sharpner
>english teacher asks for a sharpner
>offer her the bag thinking she’d be impressed
>sees all my sharpners and writes a note to my parents
>only allowed to bring 1 sharpner
>make a huge sharpner out of cardboard
>dad helps me to color it with red and silver spray paint
>display it on my table during the english period
>get sent to the office

fun days

  • @z00s
    1267 months ago

    Eng teacher missed the opportunity to bring a giant pencil

    • lad
      707 months ago

      Besides, why do they only allow for one sharpener? Seems like a complete bullshit for the sake of forcing compliance

      • Kilgore Trout
        7 months ago

        School often represses creativity in favor of compliance.

        Doesn’t have to have a reason. The teacher finds something strange, you are punished. Think of blonde hair in Japanese schools.

        In my parents’ times, going to school in jeans was forbidden (in center Europe).

        • @[email protected]
          557 months ago

          Yup. Because schools primarily serve to create workers. Actual education is merely permitted when it does not interfere with the main aim of creating workers

          • @Etterra
            237 months ago

            It’s an industrial era system in the 21st century. What could possibly go wrong right?

          • Kilgore Trout
            217 months ago

            I don’t think teachers are thinking about creating workers. They just apply the way they were raised.

            • lad
              267 months ago

              But applying without thinking doesn’t mean that it doesn’t serve a purpose, it just means they don’t know what the purpose is

            • oce 🐆
              47 months ago

              Not on Lemmy, here everything bad is because of capitalism, humans would be perfect if they hadn’t bitten into the capitalism apple.

      • @Maalus
        397 months ago

        Anon was probably a smartass about it and the teacher made a new rule instead of dealing with it in some other way. Him making that giant sharpener is additional evidence of that

        • lad
          177 months ago

          It probably is true. Still, that’s a shitty way of dealing with matters in school

          • merde alors
            107 months ago

            how many kids are there in her class? how much time does she have for each kid. Is this “need for attention” an exception or does our “be me” has a list of creative endeavors this teacher had to deal with already?

            Are teachers well paid in this society?

            • lad
              27 months ago

              The last point is what’s important, plus understaffing. When we did an educational project for kids on a non-commercial basis we had about one adult per four kids, so everyone got the attention needed. The official requirement is one adult per ten or fifteen if I remember correctly, which is outrageously not enough

              Besides, I get it, the extremes look very simple, if the class has 40 kids and everyone demands lots of attention that’s gonna be 40 lots of attention. But in reality if the students are sampled randomly into the class, their need for attention will be different, and only a few are going to demand lots really. And that’s under the assumption that anon here was attention seeking, not just a person that didn’t like meaningless rules imposed out of nowhere

  • @Etterra
    777 months ago

    A good prank harms no one.

    A+ kid, well done.

  • @ReputedlyDeplorable
    617 months ago

    The teacher missed an opportunity to encourage the anon, “Oh anon how kind of you to carry around enough sharpeners to share with those who don’t have any, thank you!” That said 70 is a lot, I just hate when teachers only see the negative side of things and punish kids for stupid reasons.

    • @Xanis
      427 months ago

      Teacher saw something they thought was stupid. They made a power play. Saw kid work around it and took it personally. Asserted limited authority.

      Being a teacher is a tough job. Thing is, just like with therapy: If you’ve reached the point where you’re going to throw around that authority willy-nilly, you are no longer a leader, you’re a bully. Fuck off and work somewhere else.

      Course this may not be the whole story. Could be the kid had been a nuisance for months before this point with the sharpie bag being the excuse a child’s mind would focus on when other behaviors were the real cause.

      • @ReputedlyDeplorable
        47 months ago

        Yes, you are correct on all points. But even if there were prior issues encouraging words can turn things around, no reason to discourage and frustrate children over something small.

    • @[email protected]
      137 months ago

      Yeah, it feels that punishments like these are just to force conformance. How dare you do something childishly funny as a child!

      • @MirthfulAlembic
        67 months ago

        I’m pretty sure “ensuring conformance” was listed in the discipline section of the handbook at a school I went to as a kid. They viewed it explicitly as their duty.

    • @[email protected]
      27 months ago

      I just hate when teachers only see the negative side of things and punish kids for stupid reasons

      Yeah I hate how most teachers treat little boys too

  • @NounsAndWords
    407 months ago

    I’ve always held a sliver of hope that the Principal knew which teachers were full of shit and sending kids to their office just because they’re bad teachers.

    • @[email protected]
      77 months ago

      They might know, but usually they’re too busy to do much about it outside of extraordinary circumstances

    • @[email protected]
      17 months ago

      You’ll have detention tonight. I’m calling your dad so he can bring the pizza. Smash Bros good?

  • @[email protected]
    367 months ago

    I knew a guy in high school that would use the blades from sharpeners and pen ink to give himself tattoos. They were about as good as you can imagine.

  • @BluesF
    347 months ago

    I once, fatefully, wondered what would happen if I sharpened my little finger (it fit so well) and now I can’t even look at the damn things. Anyway, now you have you think about that too. Tbf the way the nail peeled was briefly very satisfying before it went too far…

    • @RealFknNito
      177 months ago

      I’ve never cringed so hard that I puckered my lips until today. This was worse than the concept of nailclippers on teeth.

      • @Alexstarfire
        27 months ago

        Why? Why? Why?

        Glad I’m not sleeping for a few hours. I don’t need this in my head.

    • Fox
      117 months ago

      You could’ve stopped before that last sentence…

    • @[email protected]
      57 months ago

      I’m pretty sure I once or twice tried sharpening my nail, but I never went too far.

      On the other hand (pun intended) I once got the end of my fing the pinched between the pneumatic cylinder and the thing it was actuating. There was a bit of a clearance so it didn’t flatten my digit, but it left a good amount of blood under my fingernail, which hurt a lot. A friend advised me to grab a small drill bit and put a hole into the nail so the pressure is relieved, but it didn’t want to go through… Until it bit in and I drove it maybe a millimeter into my flesh. That hurt even more… But after a while it got way better.

      • @BluesF
        77 months ago

        Oooooof. The skin under your nails is not meant to see the light of day and it shows. That shit is sensitive.

  • @x4740N
    147 months ago

    Just buy one quality sharpener that isn’t shit and will last

    As someone who parents kept buying cheap sharpners every few years I hate cheap sharpners because they often break the tips of pencils and get jammed unless you apply a amount of force that starts to get uncomfortable if done for a while

  • @[email protected]
    97 months ago

    You’d think that someone whose best story was about sharpeners would learn to spell sharpener.

  • @[email protected]
    37 months ago

    This was me with pencils, except I never got in trouble for it and my parents weren’t fans.

  • @dejected_warp_core
    27 months ago

    Hot take: OP went to grade school with 70 razor blades in his backpack. That probably had something to do with the response here.

    • @[email protected]
      17 months ago

      IDK, if he didn’t have a tiny screwdriver, it’s a non-issue. And even if he did, wouldn’t it be easier to just stab someone with a pencil?

  • Treczoks
    27 months ago

    I was confused for a moment. For me, a “sharpener” is a “knife sharpener” first and foremost…