plspls_pls_ stop calling each other fascists or astroturfers unless you have a thorough understanding of the uncommitted movement and what u.s. primaries are. there is so much blatant misunderstanding and misinfo going on it’s bad.

edit: if any loser dares call for an uncommitted vote in the general election? i will kick them in the balls (gender neutral) (in minecraft)

  • @PugJesus
    457 months ago

    “An uncommitted movement will not be called for the general”

    Okay, but what if I direct you to people calling for exactly that.

    • @[email protected]OP
      347 months ago

      please do so and i’ll tell them to kick rocks.

      (you can’t even vote uncommitted in the general afaik it’s not even an option)

      one should direct criticism to those doing the bad thing, not the ones with vague aesthetics of the bad thing when viewed through a bad-faith lens.

      • @PugJesus
        167 months ago

        please do so and i’ll tell them to kick rocks.

        Unironically I’m happy to hear this.

        (you can’t even vote uncommitted in the general afaik it’s not even an option)

        Some states allow write-ins for the General.

        • @[email protected]OP
          157 months ago


          and yeah, but write-ins are quite distinct from an uncommitted vote.

          in an earlier thread someone compared the general to the trolley problem, with a vote for Biden being the lesser of two evils. at the same time, i view the uncommitted movement as a way of trying to get as many people untied from the Biden track as possible.

  • Uriel238 [all pronouns]
    7 months ago

    You may end up confronted with your ball-kicking obligation, especially if the GOP is consistent taking all opportunities to add more disinformation to the season. I’d guess whether such a disinformation program was successful might make the difference between a thousand scattered uncommitted write-in votes across the nation or 100,000 localized in battleground states.

    The 2016 election remains fresh in my mind, in which Trump was so obviously a monster that we expected a landslide by Clinton. Yet somehow while everyone knew Trump was dangerous enough hated Clinton enough to take that risk that he won by the Electoral College while losing the popular vote, and boy, the US is jolly sorry we let that happen, but not sorry enough to change it, even though we were pretty jolly sorry for letting George W. Bush steal the election from Gore in 2000, via a SCOTUS ruling that even warns don’t use this to set future precedents ( NARRATOR: Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98 (2000) has been used to set precedent or justify opinions in later SCOTUS rulings. )

    US voters are imbiciles. They’re ignorant. They can’t operate their voting materials correctly. They get confused and suppressed. And these factors can sometimes be used to change the course of elections.

    In 2024, our election is about one thing:

    • Vote RED if you are in favor of dissolving the government as it stands and erecting a one-party autocracy in which the Republican party rules the people of the US. (Elections will be neutered so they’re meaningless), as per Project 2025 by the Heritage Foundation. If autocracy is your jam, vote in Republicans for office. (All Republicans, no matter how they campaign, are down with P’25, or will be if ever they are compelled to act to serve it.)
    • Vote BLUE if you are against the dissolution of democracy (rather, our minimal democratic features). If you want to hold back the Republican autocracy for a few more years, vote for democrats in office (to vote against the Republican). That’s where the US is.
    • Vote any other way to make no statement whatsoever. Any third-party vote, any write in an election where Republicans are running is a vote not to stop the Republican from taking office.

    That’s where we are in the US. It’s our only choice. Trump may not invade Poland and France, but he will quit NATO, and he will start interning non-whites and sending ICE to lock people up in detention centers. Some people think it won’t be as bad as the German Reich. I think Germany is going to be holding the US’ beer.

    It’s madness, but we really have no choice but to put Democrats in office. In the meantime, regarding the genocide in Palestine, by all means crab at your representatives and senators (state and US). Block traffic. Blow up pipelines. Tell young people the risks of joining military service. (Check your counter-recruitment groups for talking points and scary stories.) Join your local mutual aid organization. Raise all kinds of Hell.

    But the election, despite what it is supposed to be, is not where members of the public gets to express itself…except for the one issue of whether or not we let the Republican party take over the US permanently.

    • @bouh
      97 months ago

      So you have no choice for this election. It’s sad, but it seems to be what it is. But what then?

      If Biden is elected again, what will happen next term? You hope trump will die or finally end in prison? How long will you keep fascism at bay like this? How is it that there is half a year left before the election and you’re already in this dire situation?

      • Uriel238 [all pronouns]
        37 months ago

        It’s a situation that sucks. Yes. The US is on the verge of falling apart. Paths of least resistance are towards either civil war or an autocratic state that will try to preserve popular loyalty by targeting marginalized groups. Fascists doing genocide.

        Regarding your question How long will you keep fascism at bay like this? the answer is as long as we have to.

        It’s not a hopeless cause. The Republican party is crumbling from within, is bleeding money and loyalists. The MAGA coalition is so focused on doing what Trump wants that it’s ignoring down-ballot elections. Then there are numerous efforts to interfere with or obstruct Republican efforts to pass hateful laws, even while we can’t really depend on the courts since so many benches have been filled with MAGA loyalists. But the failure of the courts to be either impartial or fair, favoring tough on crime justice over rehabilitation is an old one. But the Democratic party might just be able to outlast the Republican party, which will end with a second premature coup d’etat.

        One of the advantages we have is the ubiquity of phone cameras and internet, which means the public gets to see more of what happens on the ground. This is impacting the situation in Palestine as well, as news is no longer controlled by a couple of agencies, but has plenty of independent leaks. I’m sure this informs the movements of the White House towards curbing Netanyahu and the IDF, supplying Gaza and moving towards a Palestinian state and an international coalition team to enforce terms. When gross images of atrocity go viral, whether that’s IDF prisoners being mistreated, or people getting gunned down by US law enforcement, it is a really bad look when officials ignore or dismiss such incidents.

        That said, all the myths that allowed for two far-right political parties in the US to control state and federal governments have been debunked while their plutocratic overlords (campaign financial contributors) still are pushing for a neo-feudal state, and the recinding of civil rights. It mirrors the situation during the Great Depression, for which FDR’s New Deal was a stopgap and industrialists and Hoover were looking at Mussolini and Italy in admiration and envy. (All that got interrupted by WWII and the cold war).

        So I can say with confidence I have no idea what will happen next, but doing anything to give the US to the Republicans or to incite civil war would make shit a lot worse for the common American, with very little chance we’d get any public-serving progress out of the outcome for a century or two.

        So the first step is recognizing the degree to which the US has been destabilized and how much civil rights have been stripped from the public, despite what kids are being taught in public schools.

      • @JusticeForPorygon
        17 months ago

        US elections are an unusually long process. They normally take about a year of actual voting because of the primaries.

        • @bouh
          27 months ago

          And nothing good can happen during these primaries?

          • @JusticeForPorygon
            67 months ago

            If you’re going to cast a protest vote during the presidential election, the primaries is the time to do it. You’re only voting for the presidential candidate that will represent your political party, so there’s less risk of getting someone you won’t like.

            I don’t know if it’s official yet, but Donald Trump will almost certainly be the Republican nominee for the election this November. The same can be said for Biden as the Democratic Nominee, as I don’t know if an incumbent president has ever lost their party’s nomination. So while we will nearly certainly have to pick between an old man with bombs and an old man with bombs who wants to tear down the government and rebuild it with himself at the helm, you can still show your disapproval at the ballots.

            Trying to proofread this and it sounds like a fucking Trainwreck. I don’t know if that’s my fault or the government’s.

            • @laverabe
              17 months ago

              would be even better to shop just part of his hand, the one with the certain finger.

  • @[email protected]
    357 months ago

    It is clear within the US that the uncommitted movement is grossly misunderstood outside of the people who care to engage with anti-genocide protest efforts. Because the main stream media did not cover it effectively up to the primary election and barely covered it after.

    It is also clear that people from other countries do not understand the US primary system at all.

    For Democrats, voter turn out is what matters. And that the “uncommitted” vote does not beat Biden. The uncommitted vote will not beat Biden since no news orgs covered it well so few know about it unless previously involved in anti-genocide efforts. Only Democrats can vote in the US Democrat primary, so high primary turnout shows how many democrats are willing to vote for Biden come election AND the uncommitted vote shows an easy tally of how many people were moved enough to discover the uncommitted vote movement and take part to support ending the genocide of the Palestinians.

    If you see actual astroturfing, fascists-in-leftist-clothing calling for an uncommitted vote in the general, tell them to “fuck off tankie”.

    In the US general election there will be no “uncommitted” option, showing that they are out-of-state fascists. Tell them to eat shit loudly and do not engage further with the fascies.

    The US general election is serious as the republican challenger is the fascist bitch who tried to overthrow the government. But the genocide of the Palestinians is also serious, they’re actually dying by the thousands and after you die you’re dead it’s donezo, and anyone should be able to realize that that’s horrendous

    • @tabularasa
      7 months ago

      Only Democrats can vote in the US Democrat primary,

      This is not true. There are multiple states that allow voting in the primary of a party to which you are not registered. You just can’t vote in both primaries.

      • @[email protected]
        57 months ago

        🤓🤓🤓 But in more seriousness, it is true for the majority - ok some states let independents vote in one party’s primary but they have to request it and it’s harder and I’m not gonna add that addendum to a long ass diatribe

        • @[email protected]
          57 months ago

          About 24 states have some form of open primary. Most of them are entirely open. Some are independents/uncommited-only as you noted.

        • @Bartsbigbugbag
          17 months ago

          I received both parties ballots and I did not request it. We voted for that explicitly to be the case.

    • @[email protected]OP
      37 months ago

      i still don’t quite get how tankie ideology plays into this but past that, yes, i agree with everything you have said. :)

      • @[email protected]
        7 months ago

        Ah I meant that a “fascist-in-leftist-clothing” is a tankie! (Edit: v big generalization of course)

        Thanks for making the me-me!

        • @[email protected]OP
          37 months ago

          no prob :) i still don’t quite think that’s what the definition of tankie is but imma let it slide since that is not the topic of this post.

    • @[email protected]
      37 months ago

      God what the fuck is this comment. Donezo? Can you not make a genocide into tryin to be cute or whatever tf this is

      Fuck Biden. Committed leftists / socialists / communists are not gonna hand wring about one president over another. I haven’t voted since Obama 2012, no plans to start anytime soon. Electoralism will not save us and I’m tired of hearing the lesser of two evils is the solution for the last, idunno 50 years? Unless a candidate were to stop all weapon sales to Israel (never gonna happen), it’s not worth all this song and dance bullshit

      • @[email protected]
        187 months ago

        If you don’t vote, I don’t care, I say donezo on the reg and will say it again. Doesn’t change that Palestinians are dying by the thousands

        Giving up is worthless, especially when one evil will ensure everyone in the LGBTQ+ sphere will die at some point in the near future and one won’t. Look inside yourself from an ethical perspective - if you can make some positive change, do it. Especially if it costs you nothing but gets trans people everything

        • @[email protected]
          77 months ago

          You’re saying this to a gay guy who works around trumpers in a factory.

          Trump being president doesn’t mean the gays will be rounded up into camps or something. I hate when people play this card that we’re all gonna get fucking murdered and it’s my fault for not voting blue, like what? It’s apparent that it’s playing on emotions to use LGBT people as some weird guilt trip and it’s honestly pretty gross. I can take care of myself and my partner and our home just fine thanks. And I feel no differently safety wise whether it’s a Republican or Democrat in office.

          • @[email protected]
            247 months ago

            Trans people are at risk right now, states that ban transitioning will kill them. Gay people were at risk years ago but decades of voting for politicians that support peoples’ rights have allowed you to live and be out now. I am glad you have the rights you deserve and will not lose them in a year, but trans people are losing rights they deserve now. Not to mention abortion rights have been lost that are deserved well.

            But voting got justices in place to enact rulings that decriminalized sodomy in 2003. Literally it was illegal to be gay in a bunch of states prior to 2003. Just as not voting let Trump install justices that removed abortion access.

            Your right to a same-sex marriage (2015 ruling, very recent, only 36/50 states allowed same-sex marriage prior to that ruling and of course after 2003) and even being with someone of the same-sex (2003 ruling) are both Supreme Court rulings that can easily be repealed just as Roe v Wade was. I want everyone’s right to love who they want to be enshrined in the constitution, but until it is same-sex relationships are somewhat vulnerable. Voting and political action are the only way to enable your rights to remain forever. And voting is ez pz you just tick a few boxes for the person that doesn’t want to kill trans people.

            You are correct; your life will continue whether or not you vote. But the quality of life is greatly impacted by the will of the people, which is gauged through voting. And the quality of life of other groups (people transitioning) are in danger right now

            • @[email protected]
              37 months ago

              There’s a thing where previously oppressed minorities get their rights, and then they start to forget that there are other oppressed minorities that still need their rights.

              For example, Irish people were often oppressed a century ago in the US, but they’re just more white guys. That why Bill O’Reilly could go on Fox News in the early 2000s and say “my Irish ancestors pulled themselves up by their bootstraps, why can’t black people?”

              Solidarity cannot be taken for granted.

          • @beetus
            117 months ago

            Could you pull the ladder up behind you any harder?

          • @[email protected]
            37 months ago

            The point isn’t that the labor movement you are exposed to supports you now.

            The point is that the labor movement can take off their union patches and bide time, go underground and find ways to continue fighting fascism.

            You can’t go back in the closet. A more cowardly version of you can, but the version you see yourself as, the tough guy, he dies if fascism takes hold.

            • @[email protected]
              27 months ago

              I don’t get why people think I’m out at work or everyone supports me being gay or something based on my comment.

              I’ve heard vile homophobia at work. They’re still gonna be homophobes no matter what in November

              • @[email protected]
                47 months ago

                You have heard the vile things said, and you don’t care if they get power to change the laws to allow them to act on those vile words?

                Not all gay people have your privilege, I hope you understand that before it is too late.

          • @Daft_ish
            27 months ago

            As long as you’re white and male why would you ever feel threatened?

      • @TotallynotJessica
        107 months ago

        Uncritical identitarian ideologues are the bane of all movements. You’re committed to the identity of being a leftist/socialist/communist rather than the ideology, just like the Christian fascists that explicitly ignore every good idea in the Bible in favor of the worst ideas.

        Over time, many supposed Marxists have decided to ignore the best principles and goals outlined by the man himself. You instead favor what “works” to build a “committed” movement. Unfortunately, “committed” means committed to the identity, while things only “work” if they ensure the group’s existence.

        Accomplishing the stated goals of the group doesn’t matter so long as it has a stable niche. It basically works by evolutionary logic, with accuracy and ethics only mattering if it helps the group survive. It becomes cultish, often explicitly so if there is centralized power.

        The parallels between Christianity and Marxism become more clear with how they reference the texts written by their great leaders selectively, highlighting whatever fits their current agenda. The most counterintuitive part is that we don’t think about ideas in the way that they actually behave, instead assuming they serve us.

        People usually believe their own shit, but produce outcomes that look like sociopathic calculus. Liberals genuinely believe what they say about liberalism. Capitalists genuinely believe most of their nonsense arguments. It doesn’t matter that social programs create stability, or that regulations often benefit the unwilling companies in the long run. The saying “we often attribute stupidity to malice” is inaccurate. We really attribute evolution to intelligence.

        People with nonsense ideologies almost never disbelieve everything they say. Fascist leaders buy most of their own bullshit. You believe in your own flawed logic. I probably believe bullshit about something, so I keep an open mind.

      • @[email protected]
        77 months ago

        If you don’t think your voice matters in the ballot box, why do you assume it matters anywhere?

        • @[email protected]
          07 months ago

          Aka, if the electoral system is rigged, just give up. There is no alternative. Unless of course you find yourself within a nation with a somewhat browner skin color. Then expect liberation and democratization by way of the bomb.

    • @abbotsbury
      07 months ago

      fascists-in-leftist-clothing calling for an uncommitted vote in the general, tell them to “fuck off tankie”.

      How is that person a tankie?

  • @[email protected]
    157 months ago

    Fine for people to voted uncommitted but jot sure why we don’t see more people voting in the republican primary to throw trump off balance.

    • @[email protected]
      97 months ago

      Assuming I’m understanding correctly, only a few states allow people to vote in a primary for a party that they’re not registered as. Honestly, I’m not sure why any states still allow that, because I wouldn’t want any registered Republicans voting in the Democratic primary any more than the other way around.

      • @[email protected]
        7 months ago

        its not exactly as easy as it sounds, as if youre in a different party (e.g no party preference) you have to make a follow up request for another ballot of another party. the ballot doesnt get mailed in with the initial ballot. its effectively block anyone wanting the easy way to do it, over the mail at the least.

    • @Zehzin
      7 months ago

      For one, I read last time that some places requie you to be a registered republican to vote in the primaries.

    • @[email protected]
      57 months ago

      His mind is capable of speaking up to a third grade level. The people in favor of Trump understand him clearly.

    • @[email protected]
      57 months ago

      You see that on occasion. My dad was registered Republican for many years in Florida just to vote in the primary for the less batshit option, and you have to be registered for a party to vote in their primary in Florida. In Minnesota, where I currently live, it’s an open-ish primary where I could have theoretically chosen to vote in the Republican primary but you have to sign something saying you generally agree with that party’s platform - and I can’t honestly say I agree at all with the Republicans, so it wouldn’t have been legal for me to vote in the Republican primary.

    • @EndlessApollo
      17 months ago

      Because that shit doesn’t work. It got trump elected in the first place

  • @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    And here I was thinking the uncommited movement meant something might be done. If you are still calling for Biden, then why even bother voting uncommitted? Why pretend to dissent if you’ll fall in line when it matters?

      • @Spaceballstheusername
        27 months ago

        There’s no message being sent if there’s no real threat behind the message or else the message isn’t being received if the Biden administration doesn’t change their stance.

        • @[email protected]
          57 months ago

          Seems like the message has made its way through the news and social media. Just because Biden hasn’t changed his stance completely doesn’t mean the message isn’t being received.

          • @Spaceballstheusername
            17 months ago

            The message is he’ll lose the election if he doesn’t change his stance. So if he has received it and chose to ignore it then why is he running. Either he doesn’t believe the threat or he doesn’t want to win.

            • @[email protected]
              7 months ago

              The message is that he’s pissed off a huge portion of his base, and they don’t approve of what he’s doing.

              There’s obviously more work to be done advocating for change. And it can be done under Biden, or under Trump. Which would you prefer?

              • @Spaceballstheusername
                7 months ago

                No that’s not the message, the message is if he doesn’t listen to the people he won’t win the election. It’s a scary precedent to set that if the Democratic party doesn’t listen to +70% of it’s people and he still gets elected simply because the other side is worse when would they listen to their voters? The other side is always worse at least since I’ve been following politics(since Bill Clinton). They always use that to excuse their inaction because they think voters will be too afraid of the opposition to question it. This is a clear message and for the reason to stop a genocide. If now is not a time to take a stand idk when will be.

      • @Daft_ish
        7 months ago

        It’s an empty threat though. Unless it’s not.

    • @Keeponstalin
      27 months ago

      Because the path to change course can only come from the democratic party in this duopoly. The Republican party will only ever get more fascist, and voting Republican will only accelerate towards fascism. There is at least a chance for change within the democratic party. At the national, voting for the least worse option (Biden), is harm reduction. And that is still important, regardless how broken this joke of a democracy is.

      Organization and civil unrest can still push Biden to the left on issues even after the election, that’s not possible under trump. It’s important to vote in the national, but remember voting in your local elections for candidates is also super important and your vote goes a lot further.

      • @[email protected]
        17 months ago

        Political change comes from the people. Civil rights didn’t come from voting, nor did worker’s rights. If voting changes nothing, then it is useless to vote, simple as that. Organizing and forcing the changes people want is how you get what you want when your leaders don’t listen.

        • @Keeponstalin
          27 months ago

          I agree that more than voting is necessary and voting is the bare minimum. But it’s still important to vote nonetheless. Do you know of any resources to help people to organize?

        • @Keeponstalin
          7 months ago

          I’m talking about the National, not the Primary. Third party doesn’t work in a duopoly created by a FPTP voting system, that’s the unfortunate reality. Voting Democrat is absolutely harm reduction.

          • @[email protected]
            17 months ago

            I’m talking about the National, not the Primary.

            neither jill stein nor cornel west are democrats

            • @Keeponstalin
              7 months ago

              In America, we have a duopoly of the Republican party and Democratic party. Our FPTP voting system creates a two-party system and prevents any challenge to the two parties due to the spoiler effect. This is by design, both parties serve the capitalist class.

              A Republican presidency is significantly more harmful to everyone (other than capitalists) than a Democratic presidency. The Republican party continues to and will only get more fascist. The Democratic party inches towards fascism due to the ratchet effect. Voting Democrat is harm reduction as it delays more fascist policies. This is because Democratic administrations are less harmful than Republican ones.

              This is to reduce future harm, not reverse current harmful policies and systemic injustices. That kind of harm reduction requires Organization. Which is why it’s important to do more than just vote. That’s why it’s critical to participate in awareness, organization, and action. Especially in local politics. All of which is easier to do under democratic presidency, because their policies are less fascist.

              If you think I support or like the democratic party, you’re absolutely wrong. I just recognize it’s better to have them in power than to have Republicans in Power. Voter apathy only helps Republicans and the ruling class.

  • @AdrianTheFrog
    127 months ago

    The problem is that Biden knows that all of these people will vote for him anyways in the general election, so he doesn’t care.

  • 7heo
    7 months ago


    First off, it better not. If you think “Genocide Joe” is bad for palestine, try “Bloodbath drumpf”… I mean, maybe it is better to die violently and fast than slowly? But either way, whatever the pro-palestine movement is after, the democrats are their best choice, and by far. The alternative not only got stronger ties with the netanyahu government, but also a much lower overall IQ, zero consideration for legislation, international agreements, humanitarian matters, and democracy in general (which they have literally confused with the opposition party, for decades by now). You might not like biden, but from a humanitarian PoV, he is orders of magnitude better than anyone the GoP might select (and especially more so if it is drumpf).

    Second off, I get that people are trying to “send a message”, but if it changes nothing aside from vanity numbers, it will have absolutely zero impact. The impact was “voting for Bernie”, and that is about 8 years too late now.

  • @[email protected]
    117 months ago

    If people commit to it in the primaries then the demonization will carry to the general. But I suppose people aren’t familiar with voter apathy

    • @[email protected]
      67 months ago

      If somebody commits to it in the primary, then their mind is already made up. It sounds like you’re putting the cart before the horse here. People are voting uncommitted because of how they feel about Biden; their feelings about Biden aren’t changing because they vote uncommitted.

      This is actually good for Biden, because he can check the pulse of the electorate going into the general election. Polling data, as we know by now, is notoriously unreliable. This is a way to get a message to Biden about what’s important to his voter base. Without this information, people might not show up to vote, and he might have no idea why.

    • @mojofrododojo
      47 months ago

      imho this is directly targeted to increase voter apathy.

      • @[email protected]
        07 months ago

        Yeah this kinda thing feels like a campaign to discourage democratic voters from participating. Who has incentive to push that I wonder?

        • @Linkerbaan
          07 months ago

          Can’t have anything to do with people not endorsing Genocide. It must be a Russian plan!

  • @mojofrododojo
    7 months ago

    The incumbent always sweeps

    • tell that to trump.

    thorough understanding of the uncommitted movement and what u.s. primaries are. there is so much blatant misunderstanding and misinfo going on it’s bad.

    yeah I could see this EXCEPT the rhetoric used isn’t likely to be forgotten - labeling him Genocide Joe is just gonna evaporate huh?

    This movement is bullshit FUD sprayed right out of the GOP, believe it at your peril. And note that these same fuckwits always attack Biden, but never seem to go after trump, even tho ‘it’s just the primaries bro’.

    • @[email protected]OP
      7 months ago

      tell that to trump

      the incumbent always sweeps in the primary. please fReaking learn to read and digest the post like the rest of us before you type your hate comment dawg please please please 🙏 😭

      i could see this except…

      i don’t stand by the genocide joe nickname. i do stand by those who do what they can to stop children from starving.

      this movement is bullshit FUD

      this “bullshit” is doing the bare minimum to get a fucking genocide to end. call it a mistake, fine, call it a miscalculation, fine. stop calling it fascism, FUD, or astroturfing and learn to think for just a half a second that someone might have empathy for human suffering.

      • @mojofrododojo
        17 months ago

        learn to think for just a half a second that someone might have empathy for human suffering.

        you really think your internet hissy fit blaming Biden for Israel’s genocide is doing more than the actual state department and government?

        Damn son, you really don’t understand how the world works at all do you?

        It’s FUD. Stop playing their game, or be recognized for doing their work.

    • @Seasm0ke
      27 months ago

      Willing to bet money that nobody not any measurable amount, is flipping from Biden to trump over his Palestine stance. They are just not going to vote at most or vote PSL or Green

  • @prime_number_314159
    67 months ago

    This kind of post is exactly how Trump is going to be elected to the Supreme Court, so he can grant himself immunity. You should be ashamed of yourself.

  • @Daft_ish
    57 months ago

    The uncommitted movement surely has bad actors just like the Bernie movement. I’ve already had interactions with the type. They will continue long after primary season is over and you’re enabling them.

  • @[email protected]
    27 months ago

    It’s so unfathomable to me to think you cannot send a message by having an opinion, only by using an indirect possible half message via an entirely different channel used for other things? It’s crazy talking to think political officers don’t understand or know what people ask for, but they will understand this? It’s coming from ignorance or do people actually not understand?

  • @SuddenlyBlowGreen
    17 months ago

    Who is “calling” and “not calling” the uncommitted movement?